"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Scripture Memory

After my post yesterday, Beth asked about how we practice scripture memorization. It's been a while since I posted about this, so I thought I'd share what we do.

Over at Simply Charlotte Mason, is this post of the method we use. Basically, it's about daily recitation and mastery. We use a card file box and tabs for daily, odd & even dates, Mon-Fri, and dates 1-31. You start your verse off under daily, then as you begin to master it, you move it to odd and even, so you're reciting it every other day, then once a week, then once a month for retention. Sometimes this process is quick, and sometimes it takes quite a while, depending on the selection.

This works really, really well and it allows each family member their own box so that with age differences, individuals will be working on their own selections. I even have my own box! A couple of things that we also do are include poems or quotes on occasion, though the primary focus is hiding God's word in our hearts. We've included things like Patrick Henry's famous speech, the Preamble to the Constitution, 30 Days Has September! Things like that! It's really fun and easy when you come across something suddenly that you know you want to memorize!

Another thing I've learned is to write the scripture "address" on the back of the card and turn them around once we reach the once a month stage. This has been the most frustrating part for my son. He must get that from me! I'm afraid that this is a issue with a lot of folk's memorization of scripture!--remembering "where" they are found!
This year (3rd grade) I turned son's box over to him and he works on this on his own. He writes the verses out weekly for penmanship practice, and recites them daily. Sometimes he takes it to his room at night so he can do this before getting out of bed. Sometimes he does it during lesson time.

Periodically, he recites to me or his dad. He is very good with it, though he often will peek at the first word to get started. We will sometimes play a game where we'll talk about a topic and say a word which will trigger a verse. This is kind of reminiscent of breaking into song when you hear a certain phrase!

I've been amazed at what my 4yo has picked up. One day a week or so ago, she was in the room when son and I were discussing something and he mentioned a verse. She walked away and when she came back she was quoting scripture. She quoted it for the rest of the day and still remembers it! It came way easy to her. A bit scary for the 'ole brain dead Mama who has a very difficult time memorizing anything! So I'm ramping up her memorization as well!

I'm sure you know this, but I'll say it anyway--memorizing God's word heaps unimaginable blessings on you! It never returns void and it builds a Biblical foundation that nurtures principles, character, and truth. It is a primary, necessary, "can't live without it" choice. Wait no longer! If you're not having your kids (and yourself) memorizing scripture, start today!

Edited to include: I had another thought to share. We started out with a giant sized card file. My thinking was that it would be easier for son to write on. I was WRONG!! Stick with the small card file 3x5 size! You won't regret it! It's cheaper, easier to handle, and it actually has helped my son's penmanship that he has to write smaller!


EEEEMommy said...

I really really need to do this. Elianna has been working on spelling independently with a file card box and has done so well. I know this would be a great thing, I just need to get more boxes and cards and start! I especially think that writing the references on the back and turning the cards over at the monthly stage is a GREAT idea. I have so so so much Scripture memorized, but I don't know where most of it is found which can be really frustrating! I've always had trouble remembering the "addresses!"

I'm so glad you stopped by yesterday! It was great to see you and hug you! :) I hope that you have a wonderful trip and that dh's teeth and your back cooperate!
I'll be praying for you and anticipating great pictures and stories! :)

Grace and Peace,

Joni said...

I memorized lots of scripture when my kids were babies (late nights nursing, etc.), but now it seems like my brain can't capture anything!!!!

Have a wonderful trip...

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to post about this. It has got me very excited!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this helpful idea!

Stacey said...

Great post! Reminds me of the method I learned college in a Crusade bible study. To this point, we've put verses to familiar tunes to learn (sing"Do everything w/out complaining or arguing" to the the Battle Hymn of the Republic!) and the older 2 have AWANA books as their scripture memory. Will have to do this card/box system when we move and have no more AWANA! Thanks!