"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Quest for Primary Readers

Remember my book collection? Well, I didn't truly start that collection until after my first born was reading. I never looked for primer readers, or bought them. Now that my daughter is reading, I've been going through my books and other than Dr. Seuss, which I believe should be read aloud and not too often, I don't have much she can pick up and read.

One day while I was playing around in Google Books, I found this wonderful reader by Maud Summers, published in 1908. What a gem! It didn't hurt that it was also available as a free download.

Up till now we've used an old set of McGuffey Readers that my Mama bought many years ago. I love them and we'll keep using them and daughter's skills increase. On a lark I checked Google and what do you know! They are available as a free download too! Who-hoo! Here's the link for the primer.

I've kept looking though. One book is never enough! :) One of the great benefits of free downloadable books is the fact that you only have to print off what you want. I was able to print out the first few chapters, hole punch them and put them in a folder. She doesn't discriminate against a "printer" book, though I confess, It's been a slow growing love appreciation for me.

I visited with my good friend EEEEMommy yesterday, and she showed me her Emma Serl Language books. Lo and behold! The Intermediate book is available (but not the primary!). But it got me looking around and I discovered the Elson (of the Fun With Dick and Jane series) Primer Reader (free) too.

I don't want to fail to mention our Early Reader's Bible. Daughter is just starting to read it herself. Son read it and though I don't like children's Bible's for Bibles' sake, I can't think of anything better to read content wise.

I have a great aversion to twaddle. Some readers will be twaddly because of they're very nature. This too shall pass. As I experienced with my son, the beginner reader is just for a season and there's no looking back! So, I prefer the older publications. They are very appealing to me in my Charlotte Mason-y, living book, way of thinking! All the wonderful picture books and such are waiting for the next step!

I've created my own Google Library which you can find here. I've posted a link to it in my sidebar in case you want to check back and see what other goodies I've found! You'll probably be hearing more about my "finds". Can't seem to keep my mouth shut!

Sidenote for conspiracy theorists: The whole CPSIA thing where they just banned all children's books printed before 1985, is really Google in cahoots with the Democrats to control the provision of books. You wait! Soon they'll be charging for them and they'll be the only ones you can get them from. Just kidding! Maybe! :)


Anonymous said...

Now, see. I don't have a google book account yet. You get me to sign up for stuff, too. ;)

Thanks for compiling these. My daughter will be reading soon.

And I'm not a conspiracy theorist, so I'll be able to breathe for the rest of the day. Don't mess with my books!

Netherfieldmom said...

FYI: Conner Prairie gift shop has all the McGuffeys, if you want them new...

Kim said...

Yesterday's Classics (www.yesterdaysclassics.com) is publishing some nice readers by Harriette Taylor Treadwell and some are also free through Google Books. I'm going to leave the link to my library if you'd like to take a look:


I enjoy your blog so much! I haven't commented in awhile and I did not have a blog when I commented a long time ago, (at least I don't think I did---it was back before you moved to blogger)......anyway, I'm so happy to have something to share with you, after all that I've learned from you. :-)


Kim said...

Oh, LOL, I see you do have a couple of those readers in your library already.....Well, maybe you'll find something in mine that is helpful.

Thanks for all you share here! :-)


Jen F. said...

Thanks for the heads up on this...can't wait to look into it. But, wanted to tell you that we have started the 'grammar-land' book and it is wonderful. My boys are really enjoying it! So, thanks also for mentioning that!


Unknown said...

Added your Google Library to my favorites. I'm here. Although many books are not full view to me here in China, I still love Google books.

Your conspiracy theory may be on track. :-)