The shepherd answered Much-Afraid: "Fear not, Much-Afraid, only believe. I promise that you shall not be put to shame. Go with [these companions] Sorrow and Suffering, and if you cannot welcome them now, when you come to the difficult places where you cannot manage alone, put your hands in theirs confidently and they will take you exactly where I want you to go."
Much-Afraid stood quite still, looking up into his face, which now had such a happy exultant look, the look of one who above all things else delights in saving and delivering. In her heart the words of a hymn, written by another of the Shepherd's followers, began to run through her mind and she started to sing softly and sweetly:
Sweet are thy messengers sweet their refrain.
If they but work in me, more love, O Christ, to thee,
More love to thee, more love to thee.
Amen and amen, from one of my absolute favorite books!!!
I never cease to pray for you!
I love you dearly, friend! Keep your eyes on the Shepherd's beautiful face!
Grace and Peace,
My children LOVE this book!
Beautiful - love this book! We have the children's version and my kids love it too!
Happy Easter my friend!
I have this book on my shelves but have never read it. You've prompted me to remedy that.
Thank you!!
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