"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More Thoughts on Attentiveness

I suppose I'm out of blogging practice because it only took me five minutes after hitting the "publish" button before I realized that I had quite a bit more to say on the subject of attentiveness. 

Things began to come to a head about a week ago with behaviors and attitudes being a bit sparky. Since my family has been through the ringer, we've come to appreciate a bit of grace, but this ole Mama was starting to feel a little beat up by her own kids.  At first I excused their behavior, but then I realized something needed to change and this was not a "just a bad day" situation. Bad attitudes had become bad habits and were proving to be very, very contagious.  Beginning to feel a bit heated about how quickly behaviors had deteriorated, I called for help.  For some reason the Proverbs always come first to mind when thinking about behavior, and this time was no different, but as I read I was continually reminded of what I've learned about habit from Charlotte Mason.

I pulled a few of my favorite resources off the shelf and re-perused:  "Laying Down the Rails", "Habit Revisited", and "Smooth and Easy Days".  It wasn't till I got through "Habit Revisited" again that I finally understood that teaching habit was more about laying a solid foundation that includes teaching the habits of obedience and attentiveness first and foremost. 

So that was my jumping off place.  Teaching any habit will never be easy, but I can see, and am thankful for how God lays the groundwork for these times of sanctification, for that is truly what they are! He has helped prepare us all for learning these things.  It's hard not to rejoice!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Habit of Attentiveness

We have a little problem at our house.  The problem is deeply rooted and is second only to disobedience.  It's Inattentiveness.  In reviewing some of my Charlotte Mason materials on habit, I realize I've failed in teaching the habit of Attentiveness to my little beloved children.  So with new determination and encouragement, I hit the shelves.
At this year's homeschool convention, I purchased a couple of booklets from the Character Sketch series by the Institute for Basic Life Principles. I had never used these before, but had heard good things and my 6yo LOVES anything having to do with animals, so I believed the correlations to the animal kingdom would be interesting to her.

We began this week with the book on Attentiveness and it is fabulous!  I am thrilled with what we've discussed so far and how foundational it is in teaching.  Jesus is the ultimate example, God's design is clearly celebrated, and the personal application is deeply rooted in God's Word and in building Godly habits and traits that will help us all grow in our personal relationships with Him.

In just a few short days, both my 6yo and 10yo have a understanding and personal desire to have their own quiet times each day.  My 6yo cried as she expressed her anxiety over not quite being able to read God's Word for herself.  When we talked of all the scriptures that she has already memorized and how God would love for her to meditate on them for herself, she was overjoyed! 

My 10yo son expressed his own frustration with not knowing where to read.  I shared with him, what had been shared with me when I felt the same way:  know the date and read the chapter that goes with the date!  Start with Proverbs, or any other book of the Bible!  Well, he loved having the "hard decision" removed from his thoughts and ran for the door, Bible in hand, to the top of the play set, for his QT.

We decided on QT's before they rise from bed each day.  We'll try that and see.  I'm just so thrilled that they are excited and eager to spend time with the Lord!  There's much more to learn, for all of us.  I'm pretty sure there will be more to share!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Still Living Life Between the Trees!

There is something truly wonderful about a fresh start.  Even with pain and memory, we are so blessed to have a God that promises His best for those who love Him.  And He delivers!  I am a living testament that God's Word is true and that He is faithful.  Miracles do happen today.  Prayers are answered.  And even though today, Sunday, June 27th, 2010, I find myself divorced and the single mom to two precious children, I rest in His presence!

There is no way that I could possibly share all that God has done since our journey took this unexpected turn, but He has lived up to His names!  I am grateful.  While I'm exuberant in our moving forward, I'm so humbled by the giving of friendship and the lifting up of prayers for us.  Thank you!  You have no idea what a power that holds until you desperately need it yourself.  Please don't stop.  We are far from through the muck, but we've chosen the narrow path and know exactly where it leads.

I know that you're wondering, so it is with great joy that I share that we will continue to homeschool.  Hallelujah!!!  This is a huge answer to prayer and one that I do not take for granted, or take lightly. 

I've neglected my blog for so long, mainly because of privacy (if you know what I mean!).  Seeing the picture of the trees covered in snow while it's 98 degrees out, made me realize it was time to make a decision about blogging.  If God can be glorified by my blogging, then I want to keep sharing our homeschool journey!  Love doing that!  I couldn't decide whether I needed a new name, purpose, etc., for our little place on the internet.  But have realized that the message is still the same and though my life has taken on a much different shape, I'm still right where God wants me and I'm still right between those trees.  We'll see how it all comes together as we look to Him each day!

Thanks for being here with me!  The first of you to tune in have done so purposefully and I'm so glad you have.  If you have a blog, would you please consider posting my new link?  I know a lot of "friends" will be misplaced with my decision to "move", but it was necessary!  Thanks again!  Let me know how you're doing sometime!  I miss you!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Starting Over

It's blog moving time. I know it's been awhile and I've hemmed and hawed and prayed over what to do with this blog. Due to circumstances beyond my control, we're in need of a change. This blog will go bye-bye after this post hits the feed readers. All content will be moved to my new location. For privacy reasons, I will not post the new location here, but will need you to check in with me for the link. Feel free to email me at melissawilhoite@gmail.com, or check with me on Facebook! Be sure to tell me who you are so that I can say hi and send you the link. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hope to hear from you soon.