"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Friday, September 11, 2009

What's Different About 5th Grade

I've been noticing some very new, very different, and very welcome trends from my now 5th grade son.

Writing. The first big thing to change happened first in our Heart of Wisdom: Adam to Abraham study for History. He was given a chance to write a "journal entry" as if he was part of the story. "Write a paragraph" turned into pages! And he's still adding to it. We've added written narration in a couple of other topics and he's taken off with those as well. And his neatness is improving.

Then there was our recent trip to the King Tut exhibit. I looked around for him, only to see him glued to an exhibit. I watched him as he carefully read the placard, then studied the artifact. This continued throughout the exhibit. Then just this week at the zoo, I found him again reading placards that he has passed no less than 50 times! Instead of "playing", he was studying! This is way cool, if you ask me!

Then there's the reading. He seemed to have developed a renewed passion for reading. He's always liked reading, but seemed to get into a lull toward the end of last year. There may or may not be a reason for it, but regardless, I no longer have to bug the tar out of him to take a book in the car.

Alert! Alert!--Son is working on geometry as we speak and not only is he grinning from ear to ear, he just asked me if he could "TAKE LONGER" so that he could add to the geometric design. May wonders never cease!
Back to the reading. Son has multiple books going--school and for fun. Rather than only read what's required, he's read ahead in all of his assigned books.
And let's just talk about the math. If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you know a few things about us. We have used RightStart from the beginning and we love it, however, we have had our share of weeping fits due to certain math concepts, and math in general. We've often ended a math lesson on the floor under the table, or hours after we've started, or even swearing that math is a tool of Satan. But NOW we're in FIFTH grade!

When we went to the convention to get this years math, we got a surprise.
Not only were we to do RightStart's final level "Geometry", they were recommending we alternate the Geometry lessons with Algebra (VideoText Interactive). So, not knowing any better, I bought them both and planned the year. It didn't take long to notice that the Algebra was recommended for 7th grade. That was two years away, but at this point son was anxiously awaiting Algebra because of a wacky Algebra-loving friend! So we agreed to try both. So far, he's doing both and doing them well.

The Geometry he is doing 100% independently. Whoo-hoo! He really likes doing it all by himself too! Never thought that would happen, especially with MATH! We may not get very far in the Algebra, but even urges to quit haven't lasted more than a couple of minutes. Without much persuasion, he's continued to give his best.

We're only six weeks into school, so I'm wondering what other surprises this sweet ten year old boy will have in store. He's had a very rough year emotionally what with family crisis to the nth degree, but he continues to remind me that trusting God is the best way.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Band Days

Once upon a time many, many years ago, there was band. Thee band. Thee marching band. Band was my life. It's where all my friends congregated and spent just about every waking hour apart from school. It was all that really mattered. It was full of drama and excitement; heartache and misery--and everyone who was in it, loved it. You just weren't in band if you didn't love it. There was band camp, band trips, band competitions. There were football games, state fair...but mostly practice. Practice, practice, practice! Practice marching, practice playing. Then there was practice twirling and practice throwing. That came after the instruments lost their glitter and shine and flags and rifles took their place. I have so many memories from band I could write a book. And what a book, THAT would be.

Though we all moved on from high school band, the joy that it brought remains (even over the misery!) and I find myself signing my son up for beginning band! Now, in many ways I've been waiting for this for years. My parents did own a music store, after all. My children could and would have their choice of ANY instrument in the joint.

Little did I know that the very week he was to choose an instrument, my father would begin the process of closing the music store after nearly 50 years in business. The sinking feeling set in. Now I would have to go through what every other band parent has ever endured: picking one instrument and sticking to it! So, he chose the trombone. It's a good fit. He is tall and has very long arms. His grandpa played the trombone. And if you went to high school with me, you know who ELSE played trombone! (And it wasn't me.)

Now, this is not his mother's band! This is a homeschool band. Much, much smaller. Way less drama! The band director is such a sweet gal. They'll be meeting once a week throughout the year. My son was very excited that the first handout spoke of playing music to the glory of God! He keeps asking me if he'll be good at playing the trombone. My days in the music store have taught me that no instrument is easy to learn, but the benefits are endless! With practice, he'll be a fine trombone player. I hope that he remembers that 1st handout and always plays for the glory of God. If he does, he can't possibly fail!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Stephen Meader Books Republished

We've been using Truthquest History for the past three years. We love it, because we love living books and don't care for textbooks. It's always interesting to try to find the older books which are no longer available in public libraries. When we do come across one, we find them to really be worth the effort! I don't believe we've ever been disappointed by a Truthquest recommended book. It is quite frustrating for me to hear that something is "fabulous, but too rare to find". That is like pouring salt on a wound!

Imagine my surprise when I found this website which is reprinting Stephen Meader's books! Yippee! If you have boys, or even if you don't, you will want to check out these books. Now, I know they aren't cheap, but given that they would be lost forever to most of the reading world, they're a bargain!

God Provides

God provides. We know it. We've read it. Some of us believe it. Many of us have experienced it. Many of us will have to experience it. Understanding it, though, is often a different matter. Though we've read His story in the Bible, our perspective, or our knowledge is often limited to our own experiences. We know that there are profound purposes for the telling and retelling, but the familiarity of the oft retold stories becomes a barrier to believing and we just forget. We forget why He gave us His Word.

I was so excited to see this offering today! First of all I love, love, love Dean Jones! What an amazing man of God, as well as an amazing actor who is putting before us some incredible resources. Crown Financial Ministries, the group that Larry Burkett began to provide us with Biblical counseling in regard to stewardship of money, has now made these series of films on God's provision. I really can't wait to see them!

Go here to see the trailers for each film.