"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Weeks in Review 8/28/09 & 9/4/09

...continues to amaze me with his diligence in tackling geometry.
...read "Weekend with Leonardo DaVinci".
...read 1/2 of "The Young Brahms" and loved it!
...really enjoyed seeing the King Tut exhibit and making a new friend.
...finished part 2 of the study of Turkey (the place; not the food!) in A Child's Geography: The Holy Land.
...read chapter about pronouns in "Grammarland".
...was sick Friday.

...is fluently adding numbers up to 10.
...began her new ballet class and loves it (of course)!
...is writing very neatly.
...and is very quick with her spelling.
...did great at King Tut and loves her hieroglyphics stencil.
...was sick Thursday.

The Mama...
...began new Lamplighter read-aloud: "The Probable Sons".
...wants to finish "Trusting God", by Jerry Bridges, this week.
...is also reading the Lamplighter "House of Love".
...was sick Thursday.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Week in Review 8/21/09

And our 2nd week...

...is flying through "Carry On, Mr. Bowditch". Loves it.
...handled his first algebraic stumbling block very well.
...began writing full-page narration! Whoopppeee!
...began regular tennis lessons after enjoying a tennis camp.
...started reading "Adam and His Kin" and really loves it, too!
...got his trombone put together for the 1st time.
...getting excited to go see the King Tut exhibit next week.

...continued to fly through her math.
...continued to also fly through her phonograms!
...started her new learning log for spelling.
...began regular copywork.
...watched video of "God's Story" on Christian Answers, with brother.
...is enjoying being read to much more as of late.
...also enjoyed her tennis lessons.

The Mama...
...is setting up some good routines.
...is thankful both children are enjoying their lessons!
...loves the new resources for this year.
...read together about William Cowper in "Mr. Pipes" book.
Learned the hymn, "Sometimes a Light Surprises."
...needs more time in the day.
...is determined to stick with nature study even though it's most out of character!
...may have to set "Swimming Creatures.." aside--tough decision.
...finished reading "The Hidden Hand", by E.D.E.N. Southward.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Week in Review 8/14/09

A little late, but here's what happened our first week:

...started 5th grade.
...began geometry completely on his own.
...also decided to tackle algebra.
...learned his first latin words.
...committed to reading his Bible on his own.
...stood with the Lincoln family.
...toured the Lincoln home, tomb, & museum/library.
...did first written narration, on the creation story, with minimal hysterics.
...began reading about Leonardo DaVinci.
...read "First Book of Ancient Egypt".
...began reading "Carry On, Mr. Bowditch."

...began Kindergarten.
...got to skip several math lessons.
...quizzed all phonograms: oral & written.
...heard the creation story.
...excitedly continued her reading from her reader.
...was always ready for the next thing.

The Mama...
...met Monday with joy and relief!
...invited the Holy Spirit to be present in all we do.
...cheered daughter as she got into the swing of participating more in lessons.
...drove to Springfield, Illinois to see Lincoln.
...was rejoicing to have friends along!
...was ready for the weekend.

**My apologies to Daisy for stealing her idea for this post! Forgive me!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It IS August After All

It is August! And with it come so many reminders. Reminders that summer has come and gone; that school is starting. Reminders that it's time to begin thinking about jeans and sweaters; fall decorating and stocking up on tea and cocoa.

For me, this August must be a fresh start. One of pressing forwarding and holding on. One of enduring with courage; a patience made manifest in and inspired by hope. There is much to do and no time for dragging and lagging and ruminating of sorrows so horribly thrust upon us. It's time to instruct and heed instruction.

Emotionally we are coping. Waiting. Praying.

Me? I'm desperately seeking the new normal. Each day is filled with blessings and trials. We battle the trials and embrace the blessings: New church, new friends, new school year. New shape for our family. New day, new hour, new minute. But always aware of the presence of the Lord.

We are into our 2nd week of school and already tweaking our schedule, thinking about routines (Daisy!) and reflecting on our 1st days. We have some GREAT resources to use this year. Many new and wonderful helps that God has poured upon us. Want to know what we're doing? I'll tell you shortly.