"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Big Chunk Memorization

Memorization has escaped us so far this year. Oh! The guilt! I dragged out our Memorization Boxes from last year but was faced with working on two sets of memory verses, with two very different children. We gave it a try. It wasn't happening.

As I've strained and prayed to get a hold of my wits today (as much as one can with a head cold!) I thought of my dear Charlotte (Charlotte Mason!! :)) and realized there was a much simpler and more profitable solution. The objective of memorization--as with anything else we attempt--is threefold.

1. That God be glorified in all we do.
2. That we know Him better.
3. That we abide in Him every step of the way.

Today, for us, that means "Big Chunk Memorization!" We've done lots of this before, so it's not new to us. It will be the first time we are all three memorizing something new together. It wasn't hard to choose a passage either. The Psalms are poetic, personal; proclaiming truth and abounding with hope. So in other words, the Psalms work for me!

I chose Psalm 46. What a great passage! And it meets all of our objectives! We'll work on this for a while, then worry about what comes next (Boy! Does that go against my grain!!). To God be the glory!!

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble at its swelling.

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy habitation of the Most High.
God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved;
God will help her when morning dawns.
The nations rage, the kingdoms totter;
he utters his voice, the earth melts.

The LORD of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Come, behold the works of the LORD,
how he has brought desolations on the earth.
He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
he breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the chariots with fire.

"Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!"
The LORD of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
(Psa 46:1-11)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Kids! Read Thru the Bible in a Year

As I was looking up my favorite Bible reading plan for the New Year, I was curious as to whether anyone had put together a plan for younger readers. As I searched, it occurred to me that my 10yo son didn't really need a special plan, but more time. I then came across this site with a 3 year plan. Perfect! He should be able to manage a chapter a day much easier than the typical 3 chapters per day of yearly plans. As for my 6yo, she is just beginning to read thru her own Bible with me.

Anyone else planning to read thru the Bible in 2010??

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

With Christmas Eve tomorrow (WOW!), I wanted to take a moment and wish all my homeschool friends in blogland a very Merry Christmas!

I'm so thankful this Christmas to realize that it's enough that He came, and that He came to die, and that He came for us all.

To God be the glory!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Nature Study Thing

In all my many years of homeschooling--six now--nothing has frustrated me more than my desire to do nature study, and my ineptitude at getting it done. That would be me...standing off to the side, stomping my foot in agitation over what seems like this gigantic hurdle that I can't seem to get over!

I've read all the books--the really, good books, I might add: "Pocketful of Pinecones", "Handbook of Nature Study", "The Charlotte Mason Companion"...

I've faithfully followed the comings and goings of such stalwart nature study champions as Barb (of Harmony Art Mom fame, not to mention the Outdoor Hour Study!) and Melissa of In the Sparrows Nest. For Pete's sake! I remember the day Melissa wrote about completely changing her entire approach to homeschooling after her son had emergency surgery. I was totally enthralled! Now she helps write those great resources for nature study. And here I sit starring out the window! Hey! It's cold out there!

I confess. I grew up in front of the TV. Playing outside was not ever something one did by choice. It was akin to punishment. Well, we don't have TV. My kids do love to play outside. They don't even mind the cold. But I do! And I don't like the heat either (old age?).

But the biggest thing that bugs me is that we live on a new golf course. There is not a tree in sight that is more than 5yrs old. Puny. I've never seen a squirrel in this neighborhood, people! And it's a big neighborhood. Oh! We do have a lake right behind our house. But we are not allowed to go anywhere near it because it's part of the golf course. You can't take walks to it, or explore the vegetation, or critters. Nothing. Just stare at it out the window.

Ok. The flocks of geese do fly over. But flocks of honking geese do seem to lose their appeal after a couple of years.

I did mention the "C" word, right?: critters? Um. I don't like critters. At all. I won't touch ANY of em...ever. The "Ewww" factor is way off the charts for me. And yet. I keep wanting to do this nature study thing.

Heaven help me. I dream of a wooded yard with a babbling creek and the sounds of chirping birds. I have grass. Sigh. I know. I know. Drive to the park! The problems with that are time, discomfort, fear of the unknown and did I mention time? With back problems hiking is not so good. Park benches are not so good. What's that? You hear violins!! Yeah. Me too!

But seriously. I REALLY want to do nature study. I tried to plan it this year. I printed out a bunch of Barb's Outdoor Hour Challenges. So good. And easy. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it to "guide" my children. I have tried the ole "We're going to have nature study, kids! Run outside and observe something. Then come tell Mama all about it!!" Bleck. Oh. Don't get me wrong. They actually didn't mind that at all. But that's not really what I'm wanting for them.

Have you seen Edith Holden's journal?? Oh my! I would seriously love to teach my kids how to do that! Forget them...I'd love to do that!

I guess I correlate nature study with advanced bio-chemistry. NOT in a million years could I tell you anything on THAT topic. That's how I feel about nature. I know nothing. Or pretty close to it. My world is about books!! I read about stuff. I don't dig it up out of the swamp!

How do these nature study people find the stuff they find? It boggles my mind! I guarantee you there is nothing remotely interesting about the stuff in my yard. We dig and find gravel. Regular old new construction, cheap grading, gravel.

And then there's the identification thing. Identification freaks me out! I got a bird guide and we did Jeannie Fulbright's bird book. We loved it. I can't identify a thing apart from brown-headed cowbirds, robins, gold finches and geese. All PRETTY obvious. I have an aunt and uncle who can name every growing thing on the face of the planet! Every weed, flower, tree, plant...EVERYthing. I just do that drooling, starring thing. How do people get that stuff into their heads?!

I really do want to do this! I think this is my third year of trying to get my act together and failing miserably. Either I can't decide what to do, or who to follow, or what topic is interesting and appropriate seasonally... There is almost too much to choose from. Organization is my "thing". Randomness stumps me. For some reason though, I can't give it up. I should be able to do this! I teach my kids math, right?! Surely I can experience a little nature! I know it's more than about the rescue of a few bugs and the gluing of a few leaves in a book. I think it would be so great for the kids, and believe me, after the year we've had, we could use "great".

Christmas break is my next attempt to pull this thing together, get all my acorns in a row (lol) and DO it. So if anyone has conquered the "outdoor" demon, please share how! If anyone wants to hold my hand while we step out into the grassy unknown, let me know that too! Did I mention we have lots of windows to stare out?!!