"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Purposeful & Deliberate

I was talking with the husband one day and he used the term "purposeful & deliberate". Though he was speaking about a specific use of time, suddenly those words were seared in my brain and I began to think about them. I began to think about my time, my days, my life, my family, and to wonder if the Lord could say to me that I was "purposeful and deliberate" in all that I do. Knowing, indeed, what the answer would be, it has haunted me ever since and is something that, no doubt, requires my attention.

I thought I'd look up the words in the Webster's 1828 (full of it's rich, Biblical definitions) to get a more clear understanding of them, and then determine in what manner I should be purposeful and deliberate. Let me add that these terms remind me of faithfulness and righteousness, yet those things seem so much about holiness that they seem to be something to achieve rather than the means of getting there. (Added emphasis is mine.)

Purpose PUR'POSE, n.
1. That which a person sets before himself as an object to be reached or accomplished; the end or aim to which the view is directed in any plan, measure or exertion. We believe the Supreme Being created intelligent beings for some benevolent and glorious purpose, and if so, how glorious and benevolent must be his purpose in the plan of redemption! The ambition of men is generally directed to one of two purposes, or to both; the acquisition of wealth or of power. We build houses for the purpose of shelter; we labor for the purpose of subsistence.

2. Intention; design. This sense, however, is hardly to be distinguished from the former; as purpose always includes the end in view.

Every purpose is established by counsel. Prov 20.

Being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will. Eph 1.

Of purpose, on purpose, with previous design; with the mind directed to that object. On purpose is more generally used, but the true phrase is of purpose.

PUR'POSE,v.t. To intend; to design; to resolve; to determine on some end or object to be accomplished.

I have purposed it, I will also do it. Isa 46. Eph 3.
End in view...intention, design, resolve, determine, accomplish...weighty stuff for this little 'ole brain!

Deliberate DELIBERATE, v.i. [L. To weigh.]
To weigh in the mind; to consider and examine the reasons for and against a measure; to estimate the weight or force of arguments, or the probable consequences of a measure, in order to a choice or decision; to pause and consider. A wise prince will deliberate before he wages war.

DELIBERATE, v.t. To balance in the mind; to weigh; to consider.


1. Weighing facts and arguments with a view to a choice or decision; carefully considering the probable consequences of a step; circumspect; slow in determining; applies to persons; as a deliberate judge or counselor.

2. Formed with deliberation; well advised or considered; not sudden or rash; as a deliberate opinion; a deliberate measure, or result.

3. Slow; as a deliberate death or echo.
Decision, consideration, choice, slow...but I decide everyday! Yet often without consideration. Without being slow. Without being deliberate.

From the time my children were born I've taught them about consequences, yet it may very well be a lesson that I am only now learning myself. I believe that I should and can be more purposeful and deliberate in all that I do. No more just getting through it; but careful deliberation and decision, looking to the end objective for the purpose.

My family. Our spiritual life. Our home. Our schooling. How we spend each moment of our time together. What really matters?? When it's all said and done, what will matter? How should we live?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Planning for Holy Week

According to recent homeschool buzz, it's that time of year. That end of year panic and frenzy to accomplish something. I've stared aghast at my calendar for a couple of weeks as I've begun to consider where we are and what we need to do.

Honestly...Charlotte has made such a huge difference in our lifestyle, that I'm left a little perplexed by the usual questions of "completion" and "summer". Since I had to start somewhere, I began with the calendar and the first thing I realized is just how close we are to Holy Week.

After verifying a couple of dates, I pulled out my copy of Robin Sampson's Biblical Holidays and began plotting Holy Week. I love the chart that she shares about the events of Jesus' life in regard to Passover and the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. It's so helpful to see the Biblical events put on a Jewish calendar and then seeing how it fits into our calendar. This is a good year to compare as Easter Sunday actually falls on Nissan 17 (daytime), which, at sunset, is the actual time of the Resurrection.

It's a relief to get this on the calendar and planned! It's a relatively simple thing that can be overwhelming when I'm not prepared. Now I'm ready to look to the rest of our learning for spring-time.

Read more about spring Biblical holidays here.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

God is in the Details

God is in the details. All the little seemingly unimportant details. Those believed to be meaningless, steps along the way. And I have found, that as I remember daily where my hope and confidence truly lies, those details become teachable moments. What was once just a stop along the way, becomes the catalyst which guides me to better understanding. It is the song that was written just for me.

Life is a long journey where every day builds upon the ones before. I do not treat today, as I did any day before. I count it, like He counts it. And I surrender. It is in the surrender, that there is peace. It is in the laying down that we are at home, for anything else is just an illusion; a trap of the enemy to give false confidence and false triumph.

If I do not trust in Him who is most able to sustain me--if I believe I know what tomorrow will bring--I can count it as lost. I must remember who designs my days and for what purpose. Temporal, or eternal. I must remember!

When I rest in who I am, instead of whom I belong to, I cheat myself. Though memories and experiences often chart my path, they don't lay my path. He lays my path and it is much narrower than I've ever supposed. It must fill me up. There must not be room for anything else. Everything else is dust in the wind; chaff that is found wanting.

If my heart lingers for a moment on myself, my self will shine in place of Him who draws me up and sets me on my way. The guessing, the contemplating, the striving for understanding...they mean so little to me now. What matters is the next moment He has for me.

Those that will look honestly and deeply, will know. Those that cannot see, will not see. May those I love, see. May they know what I know, and better. May they hold fast.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
(Php 4:8)
Children will follow. They will listen. Whether what I speak is lovely, or wretched. The path is narrow, but God is in the details. May I be worthy enough for them to hear. My feelings and emotions deceive, cause pain, and regret. They also give the greatest joy because He made them to. The desires. The heart. He made them to glorify Him. Yes. My heart is wicked. Yes. My heart belongs to You, Lord. Do with it what You will. Create in me a clean heart.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
(Psa 51:10)

Once I was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see. His grace is sufficient for me; for even me. The Lord is my strength and my song.
"Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation."
(Isa 12:2)
I'm ready to go. I want to go home.

Neon lights flickering
Outside the cafe
Ice on the windshield
Stars in a black sea
On a winter road
Flurries of snow
I'm ready to go

Past farmhouse and pasture
Our voices together
Rise to the drumming
Of big-rigs and trailers
Long hours to daylight
A rumbling bus
Our bed and our board

Heavenly Father
Remember the traveler
Bring us safely home
Heavenly Father
Remember the traveler
Bring us safely home
Safely home

I long for my family
And friends to remind me
Of where I have been
And where I am going
And where I come from

Heavenly Father
Remember the traveler
Bring us safely home
Heavenly Father
Remember the traveler
Bring us safely home
Safely home

(Fernando Ortega)

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Hanging Out in Colorado

One of the many joys of homeschooling is the ability to drop everything and head cross-country. Spontaneity is a great thing, for some, and for us it has often been a blessing. So the reason I was so quiet last week was because much of it was spent driving 1136 miles from Indiana to Colorado. My cousin lives here and has welcomed me and the kids into her castle for a couple of weeks. I say "castle" because it's a tudor style home that my sweet girl is convinced is really a castle! Son is quite thrilled to stay in the "dungeon" and we're all pretty happy that they happen to live on a buffalo preserve. Those suckers seem to be a bit camera shy, though, and all we've been able to see up close is poop. Of course, there are also the antics of the prairie dogs, which are prolific and active all times of the day. Getting their picture, though, has also been difficult without a big ole zoom lense.

We've been attempting to maintain somewhat of a regular school time, but the spring-like weather and the general splendor of Colorado has pulled us to other activities. Sadly, however, husband is not with us this trip. Other demands, you know. That makes choosing our adventures a bit less fun.

Traveling for more than a few days does bring it's own set of issues. Overdue library books that I've renewed 47 times are suddenly non-renewable--grrrr! And then there is the dry climate here that has my children believing something's wrong with their noses! :) Then there is the Wii! Oh my stars! I can barely peel my children from it. If they only knew the joys of playing Pong on the old Atari I had when little! Our cousins have a theater room in their "castle" and so if you add the Wii to the large screen with the amazing sound system...and the reclining leather chairs...it's just all pretty crazy. Very hard to compete. Son did ask me this morning if he "could play Wii after he read Bible for awhile??!!" Hilarious.

I'm trying to plan some of our week and trying to make the most of our time. I'll try to post more often while we're here, but I might be Wii racing instead!