I was talking with the husband one day and he used the term "purposeful & deliberate". Though he was speaking about a specific use of time, suddenly those words were seared in my brain and I began to think about them. I began to think about my time, my days, my life, my family, and to wonder if the Lord could say to me that I was "purposeful and deliberate" in all that I do. Knowing, indeed, what the answer would be, it has haunted me ever since and is something that, no doubt, requires my attention.
I thought I'd look up the words in the Webster's 1828 (full of it's rich, Biblical definitions) to get a more clear understanding of them, and then determine in what manner I should be purposeful and deliberate. Let me add that these terms remind me of faithfulness and righteousness, yet those things seem so much about holiness that they seem to be something to achieve rather than the means of getting there. (Added emphasis is mine.)
End in view...intention, design, resolve, determine, accomplish...weighty stuff for this little 'ole brain!Purpose PUR'POSE, n.1. That which a person sets before himself as an object to be reached or accomplished; the end or aim to which the view is directed in any plan, measure or exertion. We believe the Supreme Being created intelligent beings for some benevolent and glorious purpose, and if so, how glorious and benevolent must be his purpose in the plan of redemption! The ambition of men is generally directed to one of two purposes, or to both; the acquisition of wealth or of power. We build houses for the purpose of shelter; we labor for the purpose of subsistence.
2. Intention; design. This sense, however, is hardly to be distinguished from the former; as purpose always includes the end in view.
Every purpose is established by counsel. Prov 20.
Being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will. Eph 1.
Of purpose, on purpose, with previous design; with the mind directed to that object. On purpose is more generally used, but the true phrase is of purpose.
PUR'POSE,v.t. To intend; to design; to resolve; to determine on some end or object to be accomplished.I have purposed it, I will also do it. Isa 46. Eph 3.
Decision, consideration, choice, slow...but I decide everyday! Yet often without consideration. Without being slow. Without being deliberate.Deliberate DELIBERATE, v.i. [L. To weigh.]To weigh in the mind; to consider and examine the reasons for and against a measure; to estimate the weight or force of arguments, or the probable consequences of a measure, in order to a choice or decision; to pause and consider. A wise prince will deliberate before he wages war.
DELIBERATE, v.t. To balance in the mind; to weigh; to consider.
1. Weighing facts and arguments with a view to a choice or decision; carefully considering the probable consequences of a step; circumspect; slow in determining; applies to persons; as a deliberate judge or counselor.
2. Formed with deliberation; well advised or considered; not sudden or rash; as a deliberate opinion; a deliberate measure, or result.
3. Slow; as a deliberate death or echo.
From the time my children were born I've taught them about consequences, yet it may very well be a lesson that I am only now learning myself. I believe that I should and can be more purposeful and deliberate in all that I do. No more just getting through it; but careful deliberation and decision, looking to the end objective for the purpose.
My family. Our spiritual life. Our home. Our schooling. How we spend each moment of our time together. What really matters?? When it's all said and done, what will matter? How should we live?