"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Monday, November 10, 2008

On Teaching Math

Back to the basics:

1. Do not remove your eyes from the page.
2. Keep your pencil in your hand, ready to write at all times.
3. Do not converse with others.
4. Do not move.
5. Do not even think about thinking about anything else.
6. Go from one problem to the next, either across the row, or down the column. No jumping around!

Maybe THIS, and me standing LITERALLY right OVER him will get us through a math page in less than THREE HOURS.

Goal: 30 min. I'm feeling victory!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

I Wonder. Do You Know Him?

I first heard this most incredible clip by Rev. S.M. Lockeridge, on Moody radio. He describes his King. You'll want to hear this!! It continually blesses me and I know it will you. I guarantee, it will be the best 3 minutes of your day. Do You Know Him?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Few Thoughts

It's not about us...
It's about God.

It's not about what will happen in the next four years, or our lifetime,
or even the lifetime of our children...
It's about eternity.

God doesn't care much for nations that turn their back on Him...
This nation has turned their back on Him...
long before now.

The Israelites wanted an earthly "king"...
They got one!
And slavery...for 400 years.

God is faithful.
His mercies are new EVERY morning...
Even THIS morning.

Our God Reigns!

Let there be no mistake on that.

Rom 13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.

Dan 2:21 He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding;

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A McCain Boy

Today's the day! But yesterday was the event. When my truly excellent friend called and said she was going to the McCain rally, I cringed. Not because of the rally, but my stupid back problems. I knew I wouldn't be able to stand (or sit) for hours. She offered to take the boy though, and he couldn't have been more excited! We had missed the earlier Palin rally which another dear friend, EEEEMommy went to. Oh, and we didn't get the red memo either.

Patiently waiting...hour after hour...

My boy knows who to root for!

I was a bit bummed because my son and friend's son were obviously shoved aside and squeezed out by the "big men" (see that "nice" man in the blue shirt?) who had to shake John's hand. You'll notice the boy in the tan hat (my son whom you can barely see legs and hat!) and John's arms on either side of him shaking hands. I can't help but think how John would have reacted had he known just how hard that boy is rooting for him (and how badly he wanted to vote for him!). Those big ole men would have been bypassed for MY boy!

Husband has since instructed son that people will cheat you and be selfish and to just jab 'em in the you know what with the elbow, next time. Yes! He did tell him that! He did say he wouldn't have to do it too hard to get them to put their hands down. I just shake my head at times like that!

I'm bummed I couldn't go, but so glad he got too. History. Gotta love history! This is our place on the Chain of Christianity. We are here.

Now, go pray and GO VOTE!
For John McCain!

Monday, November 03, 2008

5 & 40+ = :(

Bet you're wondering what THAT's about--"5 & 40+ = :(". If you're guessing I'm not happy about something, that would be true. And the 40+ has nothing to do with my age--though it is mmmmm...accurate. No. Here is the hard truth:

Baby girl is now 5. And she's over 40 lbs. AND. My back is SHOT. I CANNOT pick her up anymore unless I'm okay with a wheelchair in my future.
That being said, I'm sad. She's a snuggly girl who loves being in her Mama's arms. Thankfully, she doesn't mind it being in a chair.

The chiropracter has spoken.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Been Votin'

It took some persuading, but we did go vote today. I love early voting! You still get that grand thrill and sense of accomplishment, as well as showing your children, first-hand, how to make history. I didn't get a "I voted" sticker though...bummer.

I have to say, it was a rather interesting process, this "voting early in a big city" business. Crowded! And, the system of checks and balances they had in place was amazing. No one person did more than one step. I believe we went through 8 stations! One person would check a number, and someone else would double check it and sign off.

When I forgot to put my ballot in the envelope, the lady at the table actually threw her hands in the air and instructed me to put it in. She wasn't gonna touch that thing with a ten-foot pole. I appreciated that.

So. We voted. Then husband thought it would be funny to scare me into thinking he didn't vote for McCain. Not funny! A sense of humor that a wife can strangle appreciate!!!

The kids were with us and excited. They've heard SO MUCH about this election and have repeatedly asked if they could vote. Unfortunately, we don't know where the ACORN offices are, so the answer had to be NO! :)

There is so much to learn through this process. It's exciting to get the kids involved. We've read quite a few election "helps" for homeschoolers and Sean Hannity's radio show has stirred the kids to song writing, quote spouting, and flag waving!

I did hear today that Moody Broadcasting is hosting an election night program for reporting returns and election news from a Biblical worldview. Since we don't have TV, we'll probably be listening in and happy to hear something other than Obama-mania. They stream live here. They are also calling for prayer and fasting on Monday, Nov. 3rd. I have more than one thing worthy of a bit of prayer and fasting, so I'm up for that! Care to join me?