Today's the day!
But yesterday was the event. When my truly excellent friend called and said she was going to the
McCain rally, I cringed. Not because of the rally, but
my stupid back problems. I knew I wouldn't be able to stand (
or sit) for hours. She offered to take the boy though, and he couldn't have been more excited! We had missed the earlier Palin rally which another dear friend,
EEEEMommy went to.
Oh, and we didn't get the red memo either.
Patiently waiting...
hour after hour...

My boy knows who to root for!

I was a bit bummed because my son and friend's son were obviously shoved aside and
squeezed out by the "
big men" (
see that "nice" man in the blue shirt?) who
had to shake John's hand. You'll notice
the boy in the tan hat (
my son whom you can barely see legs and hat!) and John's arms on either side of him shaking hands.
I can't help but think how John would have reacted had he known just how hard that boy is rooting for him (
and how badly he wanted to vote for him!). Those big ole men would have been bypassed for
MY boy!
Husband has since instructed son that
people will cheat you and be selfish and to
just jab 'em in the you know what with the elbow, next time.
Yes! He did tell him that! He did say he wouldn't have to do it
too hard to get them to put their hands down.
I just shake my head at times like that!I'm bummed I couldn't go, but so glad he got too.
History. Gotta love history! This is our place on the Chain of Christianity. We are here.
Now, go pray and GO VOTE!
For John McCain!
How fun!!!! Despite the large men.
I'm praying and getting ready to go vote and looking forward to seeing YOU!!!! :)
We had tickets and were planning on going to the rally then changed our minds at the last minute. Rick can't stand or walk for long periods of time either.
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