"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Where Does Paper Come From?

I'm not a tangent person...really, but I have small children and I've been inspired to answer their questions (on occasion!). Today son asked, "Where does paper come from?" I was so glad that he was seeking how paper was made (and only paper!), that I decided to do a youtube search! We found a neat video and thought we'd share!

Of course, he quickly wanted to know if he could make some himself...even after seeing the huge factory! Oh my. With a quick google search, this is what I found:

A tutorial that looks very thorough...and another video on how to make paper with your kids.

Not sure when we'll get to this (hmmm) but there you have it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have wondered on occasion if we could make paper by simply adding water to the piles of clippings underneath my daughter's desk. ;)

And thanks for the tip about Rainlender. I was going to install a similar calendar on my gmail account, but it wouldn't work.