"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Monday, July 21, 2008

Heading "Back to School"

I've been listening to Andrew Pudewa quite a bit lately, and I've particularly enjoyed all his insights into education, boys and girls.

One idea I heard today as I was listening to "What Are We Really Doing Here?" revolves around back to school time and, in particular, the thought process that some might go through in putting their children back into public school.

He suggests two things:
1. Borrow and read through the text books they will use.
2. Spend a full day in the classroom observing. That should be the least that you do to decide.

I find it interesting how many people over the years have asked if they could observe our school day to see how it works. Granted, homeschooling is not as familiar to most, but there seems to be a sense of disbelief that this "homeschooling" thing works. Our "trust" is so firmly planted in the "way" of the public school. It's familiar, therefore we "believe" in it. Interestingly, no one has ever followed through in observing our day, though being welcomed. Again. Many just don't want to believe it works.

So that is what I'm thinking about this stormy Monday morning as I come down from my treadmill listening.

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