"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Friday, July 25, 2008

Ten Days

We are just ten days from the official start of our next learning year. I'm up to my neck in paper, but I know what I'm doing with most of it. I've prepped and freshened our school room. I've shopped for what few supplies we needed and I've pulled together some First Day gift bags. I've worked on our daily habits and even loaded my i-pod with new audios, music and old favorites for our in between time listening pleasure. I've planned a birthday party for our last weekend, I fought through the coughing-hacking plague. We've nearly completed our summer list for all intents and purposes. And everyone...everyone...is getting restless. The true sign that all-things "play" gets old even when you're 4 and 8.

I still have to update our timeline; the figures are all cut out. I need to finish assembling our last lapbook from the previous year. I've got to finish a couple of great books I'm reading and do more deep cleaning sweep through my house, (sarcasm alert) because everyone knows you can't start school with things out of order (eyes rolling). I have a burning desire (also) to lose ten pounds, bake enough bread to get us through the winter, crochet everyone new sweaters, have all grey hair miraculously revert to it's previous splendor, and be 35 again (don't ask). But in all reality, I'll have to settle for everyone having clean underwear that day.

I'm facing up to the calendar I'd previously decided on.
Starting this early does have it's down sides, but I'm pretty sure the frequent breaks will make up for it. I like all the things we're planning and pray that the Lord is in it all, going before us every step of the way!


EEEEMommy said...

Jehovah Nissi, the LORD our banner. Fly His banner high above you and before you and He will give you the victory.

You totally made me laugh with your bread baking and sweater making. :)

Kathy said...

I could have written those last two paragraphs. Love your inspiration and transparency. It does my heart good to know there are so many of us out there living parallel lives.
Kathy @ www.restorationplace.typepad.com

Renae said...

Oh, don't even get me started on the clean underwear thing. ;)

We are still finding our stride, but it is coming. I sort of add one subject at a time.

What timeline figurines are you using? Did you make your own?