"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I Didn't Expect to Like It

I'm reading a book that I not only expected to not like, I expected to loathe it and confirm pre-conceived, negative ideas that I had gained from the rumor mill.

The book is "Created to Be His Help Meet" by Debi Pearl. I'm pleased to tell you that I really love this book! I'm very excited about the material presented--the Biblical role of women--and seeing myself in light of all scripture; better understanding how and why God made me.

It shouldn't surprise me at this place in my life, that much of what I've been taught has been scripturally depleat or out of context. It shouldn't surprise me that I've never heard much of this before, though it is very familiar. If you've read this book, you'll know exactly what I mean. If you haven't yet picked it up, I hope that you will. Upon examination, you will be challenged and find yourself in a very new place.


Tracy said...

Melissa--thanks for writing about this today. I was given this book last fall by a close friend. It still sits on my "to be read" shelf. I have been somewhat timid about opening it. Thank you for a reminder that I have it and the time this summer to read it. ~Tracy

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa,
Wasn't that a GREAT book! So very convicting but in a good way. I always wonder how different my life would be if I had been trained properly in the true meaning of biblical womanhood and being a helpmeet to my husband. I definately would encourage women to read this book and really meditate on the scriptural principles it presents. You may not like them or want to hear them, but I think they are very sound. Sometimes I had a hard time with how forward Debi Pearl was, but once I could get past that I really enjoyed the book and was very inspired by it. I need to read this about once a year to keep me focused. Anyway...glad you enjoyed it too. Have a blessed day ~ Beth

Dana said...

I bought this book when we went to the HS convention in Cincinnati. I think it has some good things to say, and some strange things too.... The Pearls certainly do have a certain, well, reputation.


EEEEMommy said...

Interesting. I picked up her husband's book a while back upon the glowing recommendation of a friend and my husband did not have as glowing words to say because much of the Scripture that was used was taken out of context and a lot was written as though it was represented by Scripture even though no Scripture was given to back it up. As a result, I didn't have much desire to read the helpmeet book.
But I agree with you 100% that so much of what we're taught (even within the church and Christian circles) about the role of women is out of context or scripturally depleat! Feminism has crept into everything and we've been so accustomed to it for so long that we don't even necessarily recognize how pervasive it is and what we "believe" that has been tainted by it.