"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Friday, June 20, 2008

Pretty is As Pretty Does

This is the day that my precious girl discovered that she had a closet full of dresses. As we have been blessed with many hand-me-downs and a few garage sale finds, we've also had less occasion to get dressed up...but that matters not a whit. I bit my tongue as I sent her out to play in her beautiful dress, having fought the era of "play clothes" and "dress clothes", and we haven't looked back since! It shouldn't surprise me in the least that she prefers her dresses. I would if I were her. Wait. I do too!

Her dresses have been further call for instruction in modesty, manners, and general behavior. As my Daddy always said, "pretty is as pretty does!" She gets the whole "don't pull your dress over your head" thing...beyond that we are in negotiations. Hee hee! Actually, she is growing quite "pretty"--inside and out.



Joni said...

That's what my Pap always used to say!

Dana said...

We're 100% dresses here now also.

What she needs is bloomers! We also have a few pairs of shorts from Target that they wear under dresses when they go out to play. They just don't care that much about modesty at this age, do they?


EEEEMommy said...

She's a doll. I love that green and those bare feet! :)
My youngest prefers the dresses all the time too. The simple cotton shorts from Kohls are great underneath just in case someone decides to do sommersaults. :)

Anonymous said...

So sweet. My little girls love to wear dresses. I'm tempted to get rid of everything else.

Kathy said...

My girls love their dresses and long skirts, though it's getting harder to get appropriate ones for the 10yo. We just discovered Mini Boden skirts and they are both fun and pretty. My girls have been living in them.
Kathy @ www.restorationplace.typepad.com