"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Just Routine?

I was thinking about another chore routine the other day, when it hit me. The more diligent I become in caring for my family and our home, the less need there is for a system. Diligence, in this instance, has come to mean doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done. And when there is time.

Over the years I've struggled with establishing a daily, weekly, seasonal way of "doing". I'm organized by nature, so this seemed a natural extension of that. Then I would become so frustrated with the inability to keep up. Especially in light of the many disruptions of life. I was always trying to overcome, and always falling short.

But, as I was having my moment of inspiration, I realized that everything does get done! If it's summer time and the trash cans need cleaned, it gets done. It doesn't need to be planned for the 4th Thursday of June each year! I look in the bottom of a can, say "ewww gross!" and send the boy out to the hose with that can and all the rest of them.

Whether or not my eyes are focused on keeping our home, and keeping the family well, is up to me. No plan can establish that for me. It has more to do with my desire to serve my family and be in obedience to the Lord.

At the same time, routine can be key. But habit can be better. Following a step by step procedure can be great, but I'd much rather spend my time in the kitchen in habit, rather than work. I'd rather our morning be full of the habit of "helps", rather than the drudgery of a list of chores. There is most definitely a fine line. I think I've found that line in my heart relationship to all that I do. As I've accepted and claimed my position as help meet to my husband, child of the King, and even mother to my babies, I've come to a place of peace in the doing. Where the blessings come from God rather than a completed check list. Thankfulness is key.

I was walking through Target yesterday, taking my little one to the bathroom (and we all know how fun it is to run from one side of the store to the other with a full cart, a ton more to do, and a child yelling she needs to potty!). We were moving quickly and all of the sudden I had an internal glimmer of what the look on my face must be at that moment. My heart became thankful as I realized she hadn't had an accident, she'd done what she was supposed to do--tell me. We had a cart of full of yummy fruit and things we needed (and even a fun new croquet set) that we could pay for. It was a beautiful day. We were together. No body was fighting (that came later at the grocery **grin**). Was there any reason to be glum? Just because of an interruption? Just because things didn't go MY way?

Ahhhh. Thankfulness! The habit that affects EVERYTHING! So while routine is peachy, habit is better. So here's a hardy farewell to all cleaning management "systems". May they never cause me strife again! Not to say that there is nothing good to glean from them. Not to imply that list making is bad. They, too, can be a useful habit. It's the slavery to them that changes the focus. May we learn good habits instead, and implement them. May thankfulness be the order of the day.

"O Lord, that lends me life,
Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness."
William Shakespeare


Anonymous said...

Your post resonated with the organized perfectionist in me. I have become a lot more relaxed than I used to be, and the result is a lot more peace in my family.

I still freak out, but I'm slowly getting used to the fact that we need to pick up and clean a little each day. I would rather clean everything at once, but then I stress out because the whole house cannot stay clean.

God calls us to peace. And yes, there is peace in good habits. :)

Melissa said...

Very well written! This is a lesson that I've, thankfully, learned a lot about this year. I too, am a control freak, and would much rather have everything on a neat little schedule. But the Lord has opened my eyes to His better schedule, which doesn't include my neat little planning checklist being completed each day!

And yes, a truly grateful heart sure does change the view.


EEEEMommy said...

I always love reading the evolution of your thoughts! It's so beneficial!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it does all get done. I realized I'm just not a schedule person. I just take too much time devising one and then I beat myself up over not having stuck to it. It's maddening. But when I just do what's right in front of me, that I know needs to be done, it gets done. On time. Maybe a little late, but usually just on time. Blessings to you in your newfound freedom.