"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Brain Freeze

For all you non-blogging types, brain freeze is what comes upon you after diligently posting twice daily for a week only to come to a screeching halt after eating snow ice cream. There can be no other explanation than sudden brain intoxication and paralysis of the typing fingers.

I'm cured!

Forty-seven cups of mocha, a thorough house cleaning including 16 loads of laundry, a visit to a great new church; time with friends, a little sunshine...that's all it took!

So, what have you been doing lately?

And yes! Those are sprinkles going on the snow ice cream!


Dana said...

We made snow ice cream too! It wasn't very good, IMHO, but the girls loved it. We were certainly making a memory!


Anonymous said...

It was our plan to make some snow ice cream last month when we were studying winter but we never did get anymore fresh snow - bummer. I can't complain though, we got more than our quota for the year in December!
( :

Jeanne said...

Did you know that there is a real medical term for brain freeze, or icecream headache?

It is...wait for it...


