"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wake Up Call

I am not a morning person, and neither are my children. We have gotten into a bad habit of taking our time to get up. As happens with most parent-induced habits, this Mama began to see the error of her ways, and changed her habit. I began getting up and was eager to start the mornings, however... My children didn't seem to get the same memo and were not cooperating with my new-found "glory in the morning". As a result, my husband heard this every morning:

"Time to get up!"
"Children! Get up!"
"Are you up?"
"Get up!!"

Etc., Etc. It wasn't pretty and Charlotte my husband was certain it was my fault. Imagine that! After reaching his limit, he laid down the law: I may awaken them ONE time, and ONE time only. I set a timer for one hour and I wait. They have that one hour to get up, dress, do morning chores, and eat. If that timer goes off and they aren't done eating, I'm to take their food and they get nothing else to eat or drink (except water) until lunch.

Well, you can imagine their little brains, can't you? They didn't believe it. Oh, they played along for a few days, but yesterday--on a Monday, no less--it was time for the Mama to be tested. We knew it was coming and husband grinned at me as he walked out the door with no hope that the children would make it in time.

First daughter came scurrying down to eat, only to be sent back up to complete her chores. Then son raced down the stairs with less than a minute to go. One bite of oatmeal and the timer went off. I picked up both bowls and began rinsing them in the sink. The mayhem insued. "You don't care if we starve!" "You don't love us!" "IT"S NOT FAIR!!" I called their dad and they each got on the phone with him. All I could imagine was that my day was just ruined and that I may just get pushed beyond my limits with the attitudes. Daddy saved the day and held both children in check and you'll never guess?
What has been proven over and over? That children need and even crave boundaries. They need rules and order and they respond to them.
So we had a very profitable day! Everyone buckled down and we had a wonderful lesson time. We only had a couple of murmers of hunger, then lunch brought relief. I decided to show my children the benefits of good attitudes and took them to the budget movie to see "The Tale of Desperaux." Great movie (You were right, Angel!).

This morning, there was leaping from all beds and a quickening of the feet! Breakfast was appreciatively eaten and our day of lessons has commenced. Think they got the message? It was a hard one even for this Mama to learn, but I'm relieved that my husband saw clearly the need for me to be uhhhh....put out of my misery! :)


EEEEMommy said...

Atta girl! :)
So what's your advice when it's the MOM who hasn't gotten the memo? ;)

Daisy said...

I think I may try this.

My kids wake up just fine, but they stay in bed reading for an hour & whine about getting out of bed! I need to get them moving, chores done, breakfast eaten, and ready for school by 8am.

purple squirrel said...

Hey, there, Lis in MA from the FIAR boards here. Just wanted to say "What a good idea" because we struggle with this as well (Um... mom a LOT, with the 19 month old still interrupting my sleep on a regular basis).

Love your blog... and just gave it an award


Karen @dixielandcrafts said...

Oh that is awesome but I think I need it more than my kids. LOL
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I totally need to do this! My issue right now is that I'm still up in the night with baby, so I'm not up early and ready to go either.

Susan said...

That's great. I need to do that. I cannot get my middle girl out of bed in the morning. Bloglines drives me crazy because I keep missing posts all over the place. Grr. I think I need a new feed reader.

Dana said...

This mom never got that memo either. And if she did, she'd probably pitch it in the trash.

Seriously though, I do need to do the same thing. I'm just so NOT a morning person.


Kayluray said...

I find hope in your post. Thank you for posting your thoughts.

Hopewell said...

I just found your blog via http://ceremonialsforcommondays.blogspot.com/ When my kids [now 14 and 13] were young they enjoyed going to sleep some nights with "Thy Word" book-cd sets that helped memorize The Ten Commandments, and various other verses. I gentle song, a booklet and painless memory. Today it's more of a battle! lol...I'm enjoying what I'm reading on your blog.