"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Fight For Our Liberty Continues

What this representative says is profound! It's too bad many aren't listening. I hope you watch it. It's just 2 min...

I haven't said anything (here) about the election. I've posted my support of McCain and Palin in the sidebar, but I haven't shared the fact that sometimes I feel I do so in sheer panic over what a Obama/Democrat government will do with my liberties. This bailout? Not so hot. I was always taught there are consequences to our actions. Deep pockets seem to have forgotten that and the not so deep pockets with their hands out, haven't helped.

Without the consequences of sin, we do not need a Savior. Oh, that despair to live our lives without Christ! I'm no economist, nor am I a theologian. I'm not even the smartest bird on the block. But I kinda feel like we should be saying, "Let the consequences begin."

Without Liberty, we are SLAVES.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


There is nothing quite like the NOT warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you discover your child has an extremely contagious infection WHILE you are visiting friends for a play date! Oh yes! The green slime that began pouring down my daughter's face is Conjunctivitis--more commonly referred to as Pink Eye. And no. Her eye was not pink. But it was itchy. Oh the green! Not a pretty color!

It always helps to have a great pediatrician. The nurse on the phone did not hesitate in letting me know what was occuring and that they would NOT require her presence in their office--full of small children and new borns. Did I mention it's extrememely contagious?! Yeah.

So antibiotic drops last night and she is much better this morning though her eye is still nearly swollen shut.

This was a first for us. She wanted to know how she got it.... Dirty hands all over her face, up her nose, in her eyes, in her ears, etc., etc., etc. My sweet friend who was hosting us played the "oh well" card. So brave!

Germs stink.

Leaf Collecting

We are currently going through the Exploring Creation Through Botany book by Jeannie Fulbright. This is our third book in the series and so far is tying with the Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day, as our favorite. We love 'em!

So Tuesday, we headed south to my home town for leaf collecting. It just didn't seem right to make our collection from any leaves other than from the same trees that I made my own leaf collection many...many years ago. Especially, with it being relatively close by.

The kids really enjoyed looking for different leaves, but didn't care for the fact that some were unreachable--wayyy up in the sky. We had a brief encounter with a snake crawling over son's foot and a few spider sightings that gave us the willies. We played in the creek--just a bit--and ended up at the playground.

Overall, mission accomplished. I have to say, the nature hike thing is not always as easy as some make it seem. I tried to coax the children into sharing observations and deep thinking, but they weren't having any of that. Charlotte Mason would have flunked me. But, hey! We were there, so that's what matters most. I do wish we had more areas like that to explore closer to home. Living in urban madness, we are somewhat limited.

The next morning, the children enjoyed pressing and gluing their leaves into a book. Son did an admirable job labeling the type of leaf; edge and all, and even tried to identify the type of tree through a Fandex guide. This was a bit more difficult, but he gave it a great effort. Daughter was equally thrilled with the gluing/pressing process and no doubt will be picking leaves off things for her "collection" from now on!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pantry Power

I know you could care less about my pantry, but you don't understand! I never had a pantry until we moved into this house nearly four years ago. And during the past four years, my "walk-in" pantry has suffered from the "sling and reach" syndrome. Sling it in, then reach for what you want.

I have conquered pantry management and have proof (see photos!). My objectives

  • The desire to actually "see" everything.
  • To be able to walk in the walk-in.
  • To purge unwanted...everything!
  • To have a pantry my children could use, including giving them the ability
    to put groceries away.
  • To have a place for everything, and everything in it's place.
  • To label everything.

There are a couple of things I'm particularly pleased with:

  • My pan/sheet holder: which is a heavy wire plate holder laying on it's side. It sits on the floor. Works like a dream!

  • My emergency basket: It includes paper plates, etc., great for quick on-the-go meals or when unexpected guests (of the child variety) appear.

  • My overflow tub: includes all the paper towel rolls, tin foil, etc. Things I can never remember I have and always over buy because of it. Or run out. Equally bad!

Heavy items rarely used are up high. Note the pans in the lower right.

Like items are near each other. Meal items are on the left side and back wall.

The right side includes baking and breakfast items.

Under the griddle is a 66qt tub with kitchen linens (mostly seasonal).

Again, tubs for overflow, bulk, and items like mixer attachments (necessary to keep close).

Grocery bags & drinks. Once these bags are full, all other bags are going in the trash!

Emergency "picnic" basket.

Everything labeled!

Monday, September 22, 2008

About Those Headphones

I don't like headphones.

Not too long ago, I began to notice, more often, young children wearing headphones. Interestingly, the first time I began to think about this was at the homeschool convention. I was taking a break and sat with a friend. Across from me was a family hanging out together. Three of their large brood were lined up against the wall, each with their own ipod and headphones on. They were staring like zombies and as a result were not interacting with their family. While the parents chatted with the other children and played while they were hanging out for their break, the three sets of headphones barely moved. Their eyes were literally glazed over!

Now, granted that was my own interpretation and they could very well have been listening to lessons after having their own time with their parents. It just got me thinking. We got our own family ipod not too long ago and we use an ipod player/boom box. Rarely do we use the earphones. But, son has begun to want to use them. And, he wants to use them when we are all together in the room, meal times, in the car, etc.

I may be paranoid, or overly leary, but warning bells seem to be going off in my head. Headphones, to me, are like whispering. They harbor the ability for secrets. But, more than that even, they separate a member from it's family. Isolation. The headphone wearer cannot hear you, so therefore cannot speak to you. They can't interact with you, or share with you. It's as if they have left the premises--checked out. I'm not having too many warm and fuzzy feeling about headphones!

I know from my own experience, that people put on headphones in public (ie: library, airplanes, etc.) when they don't want to be talked to. They send a message with those headphones--"Leave me alone." I don't want to leave my children alone. I want to know what they are doing and want them to want me to know what they are doing. I think that is called parenting?!

I know that they can be a useful tool. But like all good tools, you need to know how and when to use them. That is what we are teaching our children. That, will then be a habit worthy of them.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hook In

I just went to my very first Hook In. Since I, myself, just found out what that was, I'll share with you that it is a gathering of folks who enjoy the art of Primitive Hook Rug Making. And it is incredible!

My grandmother, whom I'm told I take after, was an avid rug maker...and dress maker, and quilt maker, and doll maker, etc. Unfortunately, she died before I was old enough to learn from her. However, I WAS old enough to remember and to treasure every piece that my mother, then myself, inherited from her.

There are few hand crafts that rival the beauty and usefulness of rug making. As far as handcrafts go, I believe Charlotte Mason would approve. I admit that I was a bit intimidated at first, but I was so excited to carry on a tradition that my grandmother started, that I quickly relaxed and got my groove on. I'm a bit overwhelmed by learning a new craft from the ground up. (I'm old!) New terminology. New time demands. But I know that it will be so incredibly worth it! I can't wait to finish my first piece, learn from my experience and continue with this art.

I'm so surprised that this craft is not more prominent, but I have an "in" now and I'm excited to meet some other "hook-ers" and create. The biggest issue now is what to make and how fast can I get it done and make the next thing! These rugs are "me". Love 'em! (Can you tell?!)

What Public School Teachers Don't Get (or Even Want...But I Do!)

There is "something" very important to the core of family that happens at a variety of times--good and bad. When homeschooling though, there are extra added elements--time & opportunity--that make this "something" like a warm glowing flame that burns and shines the most awesome light. It makes everything fresh and new. It is divine. What is it, you may ask?


The ones that come when a child spontaneously leaps from his lessons in moments of victory, springing towards you with open arms that soon seal you in the most glorious hug. The ones that come when a child leaps from his lesson, feeling remorse for a rotten attitude and thankful to you for loving him anyway...and he hugs you.


Better, still, when they are given as well as received. In the giving, there is hope (as well as love). There is thankfulness and there is a joy that is immeasurable. There is understanding. Forgiveness. Triumph.


Get some...Give some... today!

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Secret to Homeschooling Freedom

I recently downloaded an article from Homeschool Freebie of the Day (you can still get the article here) entitled, "The Secret to Homeschooling Freedom" by Joanne Calderwood. It's subtitled, "How the self-teaching method can revolutionize your homeschool!" We've all heard of self-teaching, as homeschoolers, and I'm sure we all have varying degrees of understanding as to what it truly means. I remember early in my homeschooling days, being told indefatigably, that all homeschooled children would be teaching themselves by fourth grade! Like it just automatically happened as a result of homeschooling! No planning for it by laying the proper foundation. No practicing it with an eye toward any "goal". And no specific direction for reaching that point. Personally, we've used "on-your-own" time, and I confess to sometimes acting as though it was my vacation! Subsequently, those times were sporadic and admittedly neglectful.

I have to say, I'm beginning to understand more correctly, the need, motivation, and results that may come from having children self-learn. Sure, there are extra benefits of more time for mom to get that laundry done and bake bread, or more importantly, be with younger siblings, but what are we really talking about? Instead of the issue being all about "me", suddenly I'm seeing a different picture. One of excellence and purpose. This way of thinking and doing fits perfectly with our foundation of Biblical Principle Approach (The Principle of Self-Governing) as well as our desire to instill habit (good habits!) as a way of life.

Shame on me for never considering that my now fourth grader would need training to study. Or even learn the purpose of record-keeping. Shame on me for setting goals for my children and never letting them in on 'em. Shame on me for doing more for him than I should and thus, not allowing him to do all he could for himself!

As I consider the ideas put forth in the article, I realize that, like any good revelation, the thought process can be defining. I honestly feel as if God has given us a gift of revelation! After I absorbed the information from the article and prayed it through, I sat down with son and told him what I was seeing. He didn't bat an eye, but rather considered it as the next logical step in his "growing up". So, game on!

I'm now working on his own record-keeping pages for his notebook, then I'll be transferring some of my planning sheets for the next quarter over to him to use for his daily work. We'll take a step-by-step approach at first, with him beginning by checking off and owning each task. Then, he'll record his daily efforts. Lastly, he'll plan for his own days. I'm not certain how much time will be between these efforts. We'll take it a week at a time and see. We will also still do a few subjects together: Bible, History read-alouds, and Math. Also possibly Science (Exploring Creation With Botany) as daughter has listened in on our lessons and has picked up quite a bit that she is obviously interested in!

I believe son will truly blossom (do son's blossom?) with this thinking. I'm also encouraged that it will allow our time together to be less taskmaster driven and more Mommy driven, as this has bothered us all from time to time! I'm sure it won't hurt daughter, either!

Now daughter, who just turned "the mighty FIVE", will also begin her training by checking off each subject she accomplishes each day. That will be her job.

If you can't tell, I'm really excited about this next step in our homeschooling journey. God always provides a way, the resources, and the grace and mercy we need to live each day. It doesn't get much better than that!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So Much Going On

There is so much going on that I have too much to blog and not enough time to get it down! Suffice it to say, I'm on it and hope to be able to share the goods with you soon. We've had a major birthday, a homeschooling revelation, a new computer, and a couple of new hobbies creep into the family. It just goes on and on. I have pictures too! Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Be Stirred!

We are learning a new hymn this month, which we do every month (see sidebar). This one really stirs me to the bone! I have such fabulous memories of singing this with my Daddy and now the kids are having a blast with it. Here is an incredible performance I found. Hope you enjoy it! Be sure you watch to the very end! :) That's the best part.

Wonderful Grace of Jesus
Words and Music by: Haldor Lillenas

Wonderful grace of Jesus,
Greater than all my sin -
How shall my tongue describe it?
Where shall His praise begin?
Taking away my burden,
Setting my spirit free;
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.

Wonderful the matchless grace, the matchless grace of Jesus,
Deeper than the mighty rolling sea, the rolling sea!
Wonderful grace, all sufficient for me, for even me!
Broader than the scope of my transgressions,
Greater far than all my sin and shame!
O magnify the precious Name of Jesus!
Praise His Name!

Wonderful grace of Jesus,
Reaching to save the lost -
By it I have been pardoned,
Saved to the uttermost.
Chains have been torn asunder,
Giving me liberty;
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.

Wonderful grace of Jesus,
Reaching the most defiled -
By its transforming power
Making him God’s dear child,
Purchasing peace and heaven
For all eternity;
And the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Fair Oaks Dairy Experience

There is the neatest place in northern Indiana. It's called Fair Oaks Dairy Experience and is an incredible dairy farm and much more. The complex produces incredible milk, cheese & ice cream, plus they share with the public the unique experience (at least for us non-farmer types) of allowing the public viewing of the birth of calves. We walked in the birthing barn just as this was happening:

They offer wonderful tours and attractions for children like a giant air bag jump, which they call the "Dairy-Air" and even a climbing wall, giant milk bottle. They serve luscious grilled cheese sandwiches in their restaurant, as well as milk and ice cream!

If you're up that way, don't forget to stop in! We went on our way to Chicago. Heading north, it's about 1 hr and 15 min before Chicago to give you an idea.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Indiana: Where and When

We are in the midst of our Indiana state history and geography studies. This has given us a renewed interest in our state and all it's offerings! As you may have noticed, I've begun posting some favorite Indiana places and events in my right sidebar. I'll continue to add to it.

Here are some of the links I use to find great things in our state. These, and of course word of mouth, are invaluable. Should you know of a link, or a favorite spot I'm missing, please share!

Indiana State Festivals
South Central Indiana Homeschool Resources yahoo group (email notices only: not a forum)
Indiana State Parks
Visit Indiana
Indiana Tourist Attractions
Indiana Historic Places

Monday, September 01, 2008


Today is my three year Blogoversary. It's so hard to believe I've been doing this for three years! It seems like yesterday that I found Homeschoolblogger and started an account. So much has happened since then. The blogging experience has proved to be an interesting one, with all its ups and downs as it found it's place in our lives. As this day was approaching, I considered contests and such, but those things aren't really me. Actually, getting something into the mail is too intimidating for me! :) So, I decided to give you all the back ground (whether you want it or not) on why I do what I do here at Living Life Between the Trees.

Why I started blogging.

The reason I started blogging was simple really. As a homeschooler, I saw the community of bloggers as an extention of what we were doing at home: sharing, caring, and growing in our knowledge of all things homeschool. Seeing so many like-minded moms was encouraging. I never realized what it would truly come to mean.

Friends and Family.
God has such a sense of humor! I never imagined the friends I would meet ONLINE! Shocking. I have one friend who met her husband online and I was pretty sure she was nuts. Hanging out online was just plain strange. Meeting people online was truly unfathomable. Little did I know! One of my dearest real-life friends is a blogging buddy who was across the continent till her husband happened to get a job right here in town. I've met several others and been surprised by how many are right here where I am. But there are also the friends you dream of meeting and figure you probably never will. One of my first blogging friends lives in Australia! That's a long way from Indiana. But regardless, every friendship, every name means something here. God does not cause coincidences. He causes providences.

Then there are the bonds that bloom up and suddenly there is tragedy. And those faces that you know from pictures and stories and comments...those names that seem like neighbors...all their pain becomes your own. Whether it's Marsha, who suddenly lost her son so tragically this past week, or Missy, who died in childbirth, or Heather, with brain cancer. Or sick children..., or broken marriages. You think you're in la-la land until these things make it clear--you're experiencing life. Then you mourn for your friends that you wish you could be with. Your heart aches beyond measure and you cry your eyes out inexplicably. For internet friends. For friends. For sisters in Christ. For your family.

Blogging definitely requires a sacrifice of time. Sometimes it's worth it and other times I wonder what in the world I'm doing spending time on the computer when my children want me. I've done the gamet of emotions. I've quit. I've started over. I've laid low. I've set limits. I've scheduled. If you blog, you know exactly what I mean. But with all things, we make decisions and we find balance. That is why the little box that says, "Blogging Without Obligation". I don't sign up to do Gratituesday, or Menu Plan Monday (though I tried it once), or Wordless Wednesday... Those things are great and many have that drive. I just write when I can and when I think it matters. I include my children as much as I can and they love to see OUR family blog.

Over time I've found myself with more of a purpose to blogging. I've had times of challenging myself to give it up, and times of frustration when it seemed no one was paying attention. Then I realized, I'm doing this for me, not out of obligation to anyone else. God made me with certain yearnings. To grow in Him, to share about Him, to teach what I know and share what I teach. To help whenever I can with whatever God puts before me. To take that leader spark that is inside and use it for excellence. I'm not sure if I'm doing all of those things, but I'm sure giving it my best try!

Then there is my precious family. What fun it is to share their milestones and victories with you. I love recording our school efforts for you and posterity. I love sharing really good books with you and fun adventures too. And yes! I carry my camera around and think of blog posts when I use it!

The Future.
I know I'm just going on and on, but I'll wrap it up with this... My blogging future remains to be seen. I only know that for now, I'm very much enjoying the writing, sharing...all of it. I enjoy your comments and emails. I enjoy knowing I'm not alone on this homeschool journey. That not only is the Lord laying out our plans, but yours too. I hope to keep doing what I'm doing, but I also have other dreams and goals. Those of you that also blog have taught me so much and inspired me in amazing ways. Things don't go stagnant for long! There is always some brilliant mom who either yells, "snap out of it", or tells, "there's gold in them thar hills." I appreciate you all and pray for you. Yes I do. I pray for you, often by name, and thank you for being a part of my Living Life Between the Trees. Here's to another three years!