I'm at it again! Keep in touch. :)
Friday, March 18, 2011
Saturday, July 24, 2010
House For Sale
I knew that selling our house would not be easy. The logistics. The emotions. Hard business selling your home under these circumstances. At the same time, I can't help but find joy in knowing that God has all the details worked out. He has written the script.
The kids have really stepped up to help with the daily upkeep, not to mention the added intensity of preparing for showings. They have finally learned to pick things up when they are done with them, and not to drag every cotton-pickin' thing out on a whim! (Really, house selling is just a sinister plot to train 'em!)
It's funny though, the things you learn only when you have to sell your house. For instance, painting baseboards is not that hard. And, if you clean the shower ten times in a row, it does get clean again! I will say, however, I've had more ants with a spotless house than I ever did with a few crumbs on the floor. The biggest surprise has been how much easier it is to keep things in order when there is NO CLUTTER! Amazing. Vacuuming is much easier also!
On the flip side, my van looks like a moving truck threw up in it. Whatever we can't hide, goes in the van. Not sure the wisdom in that decision, but my 10yo keeps reminding me "we have a good excuse for it being so messy." Bless his ever-loving heart.
So I do have a few kudos: I'm not sure where I'd be without my Swiffer(s). If I was rich, I'd buy the company! And Pledge on the shower doors REALLY works! Amazing! But then there are the disappointing things like spider webs. Those spiders are FAST! My front porch has to be de-webbed daily! And let's not forget the dishes and laundry. Always more dishes. Always more laundry. I tried to finagle my way out of those chores, but they are here to stay. We've had other challenges too, like appliances acting fritzy, and toilets that have decided they have a mind of their own. Grrrrrr!
Emotionally, the hardest part is yet again, the waiting. And the waiting. Wait for a showing. Wait for the feedback. Wait for a sale. Wait. Wait. We've been waiting a lot the last couple of years. But that's okay too. Remembering who's in control does make a the difference.
I take a deep breath and wonder if we'll really get our school year going before we are interrupted (blessed!) to move. Can we move and still do school? Makes my head spin to think about it, but, there is no point in being anxious. (Wait, wait! :))
Saturday, July 03, 2010
Well-Planned Day, Hooray!
It's made me realize something else rather dastardly about myself. Besides the fact that I'm a planner junkie, that is. I love filling in blanks. I'm one of those people who used to love workbooks! Every blank neatly filled out. Forms! I love forms. Beth Moore studies, for example. Blanks to fill! Things requiring penmanship in my rather overly typed world. So okay. So far, I'm glad I took the chance on this planner, given the price. I'm relatively certain it will earn it's keep this year.
I also bought the Well-Grounded Middle Schooler to try to help my son with his budding independence that is FINally kicking in. It must be because he's reached 5'4" and he's only TEN. Ah. Well. His is pretty too. Of course, I just told him it looks rather "smart". He got the picture.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
More Thoughts on Attentiveness
Things began to come to a head about a week ago with behaviors and attitudes being a bit sparky. Since my family has been through the ringer, we've come to appreciate a bit of grace, but this ole Mama was starting to feel a little beat up by her own kids. At first I excused their behavior, but then I realized something needed to change and this was not a "just a bad day" situation. Bad attitudes had become bad habits and were proving to be very, very contagious. Beginning to feel a bit heated about how quickly behaviors had deteriorated, I called for help. For some reason the Proverbs always come first to mind when thinking about behavior, and this time was no different, but as I read I was continually reminded of what I've learned about habit from Charlotte Mason.
I pulled a few of my favorite resources off the shelf and re-perused: "Laying Down the Rails", "Habit Revisited", and "Smooth and Easy Days". It wasn't till I got through "Habit Revisited" again that I finally understood that teaching habit was more about laying a solid foundation that includes teaching the habits of obedience and attentiveness first and foremost.
So that was my jumping off place. Teaching any habit will never be easy, but I can see, and am thankful for how God lays the groundwork for these times of sanctification, for that is truly what they are! He has helped prepare us all for learning these things. It's hard not to rejoice!
Labels: habit
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Habit of Attentiveness
We have a little problem at our house. The problem is deeply rooted and is second only to disobedience. It's Inattentiveness. In reviewing some of my Charlotte Mason materials on habit, I realize I've failed in teaching the habit of Attentiveness to my little beloved children. So with new determination and encouragement, I hit the shelves.
At this year's homeschool convention, I purchased a couple of booklets from the Character Sketch series by the Institute for Basic Life Principles. I had never used these before, but had heard good things and my 6yo LOVES anything having to do with animals, so I believed the correlations to the animal kingdom would be interesting to her.
We began this week with the book on Attentiveness and it is fabulous! I am thrilled with what we've discussed so far and how foundational it is in teaching. Jesus is the ultimate example, God's design is clearly celebrated, and the personal application is deeply rooted in God's Word and in building Godly habits and traits that will help us all grow in our personal relationships with Him.
In just a few short days, both my 6yo and 10yo have a understanding and personal desire to have their own quiet times each day. My 6yo cried as she expressed her anxiety over not quite being able to read God's Word for herself. When we talked of all the scriptures that she has already memorized and how God would love for her to meditate on them for herself, she was overjoyed!
My 10yo son expressed his own frustration with not knowing where to read. I shared with him, what had been shared with me when I felt the same way: know the date and read the chapter that goes with the date! Start with Proverbs, or any other book of the Bible! Well, he loved having the "hard decision" removed from his thoughts and ran for the door, Bible in hand, to the top of the play set, for his QT.
We decided on QT's before they rise from bed each day. We'll try that and see. I'm just so thrilled that they are excited and eager to spend time with the Lord! There's much more to learn, for all of us. I'm pretty sure there will be more to share!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Still Living Life Between the Trees!
There is something truly wonderful about a fresh start. Even with pain and memory, we are so blessed to have a God that promises His best for those who love Him. And He delivers! I am a living testament that God's Word is true and that He is faithful. Miracles do happen today. Prayers are answered. And even though today, Sunday, June 27th, 2010, I find myself divorced and the single mom to two precious children, I rest in His presence!
There is no way that I could possibly share all that God has done since our journey took this unexpected turn, but He has lived up to His names! I am grateful. While I'm exuberant in our moving forward, I'm so humbled by the giving of friendship and the lifting up of prayers for us. Thank you! You have no idea what a power that holds until you desperately need it yourself. Please don't stop. We are far from through the muck, but we've chosen the narrow path and know exactly where it leads.
I know that you're wondering, so it is with great joy that I share that we will continue to homeschool. Hallelujah!!! This is a huge answer to prayer and one that I do not take for granted, or take lightly.
I've neglected my blog for so long, mainly because of privacy (if you know what I mean!). Seeing the picture of the trees covered in snow while it's 98 degrees out, made me realize it was time to make a decision about blogging. If God can be glorified by my blogging, then I want to keep sharing our homeschool journey! Love doing that! I couldn't decide whether I needed a new name, purpose, etc., for our little place on the internet. But have realized that the message is still the same and though my life has taken on a much different shape, I'm still right where God wants me and I'm still right between those trees. We'll see how it all comes together as we look to Him each day!
Thanks for being here with me! The first of you to tune in have done so purposefully and I'm so glad you have. If you have a blog, would you please consider posting my new link? I know a lot of "friends" will be misplaced with my decision to "move", but it was necessary! Thanks again! Let me know how you're doing sometime! I miss you!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Starting Over
It's blog moving time. I know it's been awhile and I've hemmed and hawed and prayed over what to do with this blog. Due to circumstances beyond my control, we're in need of a change. This blog will go bye-bye after this post hits the feed readers. All content will be moved to my new location. For privacy reasons, I will not post the new location here, but will need you to check in with me for the link. Feel free to email me at melissawilhoite@gmail.com, or check with me on Facebook! Be sure to tell me who you are so that I can say hi and send you the link. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hope to hear from you soon.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Gershwin Anyone?
We've been doing a little listening to George Gershwin and these videos just blew us away! Actually, that is putting it mildly. This piece makes me feel great! It is an exciting piece and watching it played like this is awe-inspiring. We were all riveted to the screen as Leonard Bernstein, an incredible musician, plays Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue like no other! All of the various movements in this piece had my children expressing that they had never heard music like this anywhere else.
If you have children that play a musical instrument, this is a great opportunity for them to pick out their instrument from the orchestra. We keep playing it over and over. Hope you enjoy it as much as we have!
A note about these videos. The first one is a much better quality sound than the performance that has been shown in two parts (background hissing), but the ending is cut off. So I recommend watching this for the overall experience and then jumping to about the half-way mark of the second video to see the climax of the piece which really should not be missed!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Life Without a Gaming System
Because my children do not have personal gaming systems they spend their time:
Playing with their toys. Toys that are often times beneath their age level, but that they still get so much enjoyment out of. Toys that are keepers. Dare I say, even educational toys!
Thomas the Train
Snap Sets
Math manipulatives
Matchbox cars
Guns (yes! guns!) and bandanas and swords! (Running around the yard in reckless abandon.)
And many more!

Reading. Books are good! We have lots of books. I'd much rather they read than be glued to the latest gizmo. Last Sunday at church a bench along the wall was lined with boys totally enthralled with their electronic games. Other kids were gathered around. All I could think of was how glad I was that my son spent his ride to church reading his Bible. I didn't have to wonder if I'd be able to talk to him on the way home or if he paid attention in Sunday School.
My son is ten, and I know that sometimes he wants one of those PS2,3,4...whatever they are up to now, things. But I also know that since he hasn't had one, he hasn't missed it. I'm so glad about that! With no TV, they don't see the commercials either, which also helps!
I remember someone close to me once giving me advice on kids (hers were grown) and I remember commenting that I wished my kids would turn out like hers. She said one thing (beyond raising them to honor Christ with their lives) that they did was purposefully choose to not let them have anything above their appropriate age level. That way they would not grow up before their time. Kids' nature, she taught me, is to want the next "oldest" thing. If you think it through, you can see the result of that very clearly in our culture.
Now, I must confess we have a Wii. It was a gift from Grandma and not my choice. I would have said no, and thought about turning it down, but didn't. I do, however, have rigorous requirements to gain play time. One is reading time. And it's not minute for minute. But what I've found is that the longer they are away from it, the less they remember it's there. Don't get me wrong, we've had our bouts of lapsing into comas playing it, and I always end up wanting to pitch it out the window, but I haven't yet. I suppose that's where consistency comes in.
It takes some effort to provide other options, but when I look at my bookshelves brimming with some of the most incredible stories ever written, it's not hard to decide what has more value. When I recall their smiles as we sit around a table playing "Hit the Deck" or "Monopoly Deal", it seems to me a no-brainer. When they beg me to read to them, or go on a bike ride with them, I know I've made the right choice. It's never been about deprevation, but about selection.
Every parent makes choices for their own family and there is no one right way to do anything. I've discovered through circumstances beyond my ability to control, just how short life is; how precious their time with us is. I don't want them to be good decision makers, I want them to be GREAT decision makers! I hope that their strive for excellence will be driven by their desire to glorify a great big God. I try my best to make choices for them accordingly. So this is what works for us; what's been laid on my heart for my children. I know a lot of parents don't feel the same way, and all I can say about that is it's a good thing God didn't make us all the same!
I'm really glad that I have the option to make some of these decisions for my kids. I also know I'm far from perfect. But I keep humbly making them and praying that they'll humor me and look back one day grateful that they wore their legos smooth so they would no longer hook together.
I'd really be okay with that.
Monday, January 18, 2010
(Phillipians, iv.11)
Fierce passions discompose the mind,
As tempests vex the sea,
But calm, content and peace we find,
When, Lord, we turn to Thee.
In vain by reason and by rule
We try to bend the will;
For none but in the Saviour's school
Can learn the heavenly skill.
Since at His feet my soul has sate,
His gracious words to hear,
Contented with my present state,
I cast on Him my care.
"Art thou a sinner, soul?" He said,
"Then how canst thou complain?
How light thy troubles here, if weigh'd
With everlasting pain!
"If thou of murmuring wouldst be cured,
Compare thy griefs with mine!
Think what my love for thee endured,
And thou wilt not repine.
"'Tis I appoint thy daily lot,
And I do all things well;
Thou soon shalt leave this wretched spot,
And rise with me to dwell.
"In life my grace shall strength supply,
Proportion'd to thy day;
At death thou still shalt find me nigh,
To wipe thy tears away."
Thus I, who once my wretched days
In vain repinings spent,
Taught in my Saviour's school of grace,
Have learnt to be content.
William Cowper
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Big Chunk Memorization
Memorization has escaped us so far this year. Oh! The guilt! I dragged out our Memorization Boxes from last year but was faced with working on two sets of memory verses, with two very different children. We gave it a try. It wasn't happening.
As I've strained and prayed to get a hold of my wits today (as much as one can with a head cold!) I thought of my dear Charlotte (Charlotte Mason!! :)) and realized there was a much simpler and more profitable solution. The objective of memorization--as with anything else we attempt--is threefold.
2. That we know Him better.
3. That we abide in Him every step of the way.
Today, for us, that means "Big Chunk Memorization!" We've done lots of this before, so it's not new to us. It will be the first time we are all three memorizing something new together. It wasn't hard to choose a passage either. The Psalms are poetic, personal; proclaiming truth and abounding with hope. So in other words, the Psalms work for me!
I chose Psalm 46. What a great passage! And it meets all of our objectives! We'll work on this for a while, then worry about what comes next (Boy! Does that go against my grain!!). To God be the glory!!
Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble at its swelling.
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy habitation of the Most High.
God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved;
God will help her when morning dawns.
The nations rage, the kingdoms totter;
he utters his voice, the earth melts.
The LORD of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Come, behold the works of the LORD,
how he has brought desolations on the earth.
He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
he breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the chariots with fire.
"Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!"
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
(Psa 46:1-11)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Kids! Read Thru the Bible in a Year
As I was looking up my favorite Bible reading plan for the New Year, I was curious as to whether anyone had put together a plan for younger readers. As I searched, it occurred to me that my 10yo son didn't really need a special plan, but more time. I then came across this site with a 3 year plan. Perfect! He should be able to manage a chapter a day much easier than the typical 3 chapters per day of yearly plans. As for my 6yo, she is just beginning to read thru her own Bible with me.
Anyone else planning to read thru the Bible in 2010??
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas!
I'm so thankful this Christmas to realize that it's enough that He came, and that He came to die, and that He came for us all.
To God be the glory!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Nature Study Thing
In all my many years of homeschooling--six now--nothing has frustrated me more than my desire to do nature study, and my ineptitude at getting it done. That would be me...standing off to the side, stomping my foot in agitation over what seems like this gigantic hurdle that I can't seem to get over!
I've read all the books--the really, good books, I might add: "Pocketful of Pinecones", "Handbook of Nature Study", "The Charlotte Mason Companion"...
I've faithfully followed the comings and goings of such stalwart nature study champions as Barb (of Harmony Art Mom fame, not to mention the Outdoor Hour Study!) and Melissa of In the Sparrows Nest. For Pete's sake! I remember the day Melissa wrote about completely changing her entire approach to homeschooling after her son had emergency surgery. I was totally enthralled! Now she helps write those great resources for nature study. And here I sit starring out the window! Hey! It's cold out there!
I confess. I grew up in front of the TV. Playing outside was not ever something one did by choice. It was akin to punishment. Well, we don't have TV. My kids do love to play outside. They don't even mind the cold. But I do! And I don't like the heat either (old age?).
But the biggest thing that bugs me is that we live on a new golf course. There is not a tree in sight that is more than 5yrs old. Puny. I've never seen a squirrel in this neighborhood, people! And it's a big neighborhood. Oh! We do have a lake right behind our house. But we are not allowed to go anywhere near it because it's part of the golf course. You can't take walks to it, or explore the vegetation, or critters. Nothing. Just stare at it out the window.
Ok. The flocks of geese do fly over. But flocks of honking geese do seem to lose their appeal after a couple of years.
I did mention the "C" word, right?: critters? Um. I don't like critters. At all. I won't touch ANY of em...ever. The "Ewww" factor is way off the charts for me. And yet. I keep wanting to do this nature study thing.
Heaven help me. I dream of a wooded yard with a babbling creek and the sounds of chirping birds. I have grass. Sigh. I know. I know. Drive to the park! The problems with that are time, discomfort, fear of the unknown and did I mention time? With back problems hiking is not so good. Park benches are not so good. What's that? You hear violins!! Yeah. Me too!
But seriously. I REALLY want to do nature study. I tried to plan it this year. I printed out a bunch of Barb's Outdoor Hour Challenges. So good. And easy. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it to "guide" my children. I have tried the ole "We're going to have nature study, kids! Run outside and observe something. Then come tell Mama all about it!!" Bleck. Oh. Don't get me wrong. They actually didn't mind that at all. But that's not really what I'm wanting for them.
Have you seen Edith Holden's journal?? Oh my! I would seriously love to teach my kids how to do that! Forget them...I'd love to do that!
I guess I correlate nature study with advanced bio-chemistry. NOT in a million years could I tell you anything on THAT topic. That's how I feel about nature. I know nothing. Or pretty close to it. My world is about books!! I read about stuff. I don't dig it up out of the swamp!
How do these nature study people find the stuff they find? It boggles my mind! I guarantee you there is nothing remotely interesting about the stuff in my yard. We dig and find gravel. Regular old new construction, cheap grading, gravel.
And then there's the identification thing. Identification freaks me out! I got a bird guide and we did Jeannie Fulbright's bird book. We loved it. I can't identify a thing apart from brown-headed cowbirds, robins, gold finches and geese. All PRETTY obvious. I have an aunt and uncle who can name every growing thing on the face of the planet! Every weed, flower, tree, plant...EVERYthing. I just do that drooling, starring thing. How do people get that stuff into their heads?!
I really do want to do this! I think this is my third year of trying to get my act together and failing miserably. Either I can't decide what to do, or who to follow, or what topic is interesting and appropriate seasonally... There is almost too much to choose from. Organization is my "thing". Randomness stumps me. For some reason though, I can't give it up. I should be able to do this! I teach my kids math, right?! Surely I can experience a little nature! I know it's more than about the rescue of a few bugs and the gluing of a few leaves in a book. I think it would be so great for the kids, and believe me, after the year we've had, we could use "great".
Christmas break is my next attempt to pull this thing together, get all my acorns in a row (lol) and DO it. So if anyone has conquered the "outdoor" demon, please share how! If anyone wants to hold my hand while we step out into the grassy unknown, let me know that too! Did I mention we have lots of windows to stare out?!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Studying the Names of God
Let me just reiterate this for anyone who has never done a study on the names of God: If you want to really know who God is, what He's all about, why He does what He does, then study His names!
My first look into the names of God was many years ago when a good friend, former youth pastor, and Campus Crusade for Christ associate, Dick Purnell, wrote a devotional called "Knowing God By His Names: A 31 Day Experiment". That was a fabulous introduction to someone who didn't even realize that God had "names"!
Recently, my good friend EEEEMommy, shared with me that she was doing the children's "Discover for Yourself: God, What's Your Name?" book by Kay Arthur, with her kids. Being in the midst of total crisis, while listening to my children ask some tough questions about God and why bad things are allowed to happen to those that trust Him, I latched onto the idea as from the Lord, and ordered the book.
Personally, I don't care for a lot of the fluff in this series of books, but the content is superb! So with that in mind, I skipped the fluff and got to the business. Let me assure you! All of my children's questions were answered. All my questions were answered. Before, we knew God was trustworthy; that His promises are true and His grace is sufficient, but now we had a much better understanding of why things are the way they are. Now we have a firmer knowledge of who God is.
I don't think you need to be in the midst of suffering to need to know who He is. Maybe if everyone knew this, there'd be less selfish, sinful choices being made in this world. Maybe it is easier to draw near to a God we know, than a God that we only imagine. I challenge you to consider this study! It's worth every minute.
There are 16 names in the book, plus I added a couple of others that were meaningful, such as Emmanuel: God is with us. It's tempting to list them all out for you, and I did list many of them in my previous post, but I want you to discover them for yourself!
There are some pretty neat resources available for this study. Here's a link that provides artwork associated with the names of God. Here's another great site if you don't wish to purchase a book.