"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Monday, December 01, 2008

The Problem

The problem with having to set blogging aside for awhile, is that when you're able to finally share again, it's SO hard to know where to start!

There's the whole "why" of being gone...and the whole build up of incredible experiences and hardships and answered prayers and new ideas and learned wisdom...bunches.

There is also wanting to share "everything" and having the understanding and discernment to know that would not necessarily be profitable.

Regardless, I did need to set things aside and tend to the urgent matters put before me. Many of you have inquired as to my well-being and I greatly appreciate your prayers and concerns.

I do have more time to share with you now and BOUNDless things to blog! Gettin' busy with it!

One last thought to share before I move on to all things homeschooling...NEVER underestimate the power of prayer. Specific prayer. Prayers of many. Your own prayers.

Pray without ceasing.
I Thess 5:17


EEEEMommy said...

I've only been off-line a few days and have similar feelings.
I continue to pray for you, friend. Let me know when I can come over and see your freshly painted kitchen (and the writing on the wall...do blog that!) :)

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back Melissa! Blogland is much to quiet without you around. Looking forward as always to all you have to share with us.

Take care, Beth S.

Netherfieldmom said...

Hey Babe! Blog without obligation--your time is your own and no explanation is required. Of course, your blog does provide pleasure to others, but it's still without obligation. To thine own family be true!

JustAnotherBlogger said...

Praying, and praying...

Anonymous said...

I missed you. Glad you are back! (Even though I've been neglectful reading. I've been working on a big project with Dana that is set to launch in January. Whew!)