Wake me when summer gets here!
It has been so miserably gray and cold. I broke out the 'ole cumfy sweater the other day. Even though it just hit 60 degrees, it felt like it was barely 50. The rain and wind has just kept coming...so has the hot tea. We've had just enough teasing to get us dreaming of summer.
So we've been working on the list. Every year our family tradition is to make a summer list. It's a list of things we really want to do, accomplish, places we want to go, and people we want to see. We started this when son was two. It's really been a blessing! In the past we have posted it prominently and enjoyed crossing off things as they have come about. Usually, we start making the list about February! That way, as we compile our ideas, we don't have too skimpy of a list ! ;)
It's growing longer each day and we look forward to posting it the day we finish our lessons--currently set for June 20th! I'm not sure, but the first thing we'll do will be outside! Hopefully, it'll involve a pool!
On our list, we have things in the following categories:
- Field trips we didn't get to this year--mostly history related and somewhat local.
- Festivals. We just haven't been to enough festivals!
- Visits with friends we rarely see.
- Other things we've put off like experiments from our Flying Creatures book.
- Strengthening our milestones: swimming, golfing, biking, dancing, basketball, picture taking.
- Reading, reading, reading!
- Gardening, and more gardening.
- To glorify God in all we think and do.
- To be together.
- To continue to grow and learn.
- To be a blessing to others.
Hi Melissa,
I am looking forward to seeing what is on your schedule for the summer. Don't complain too much about having to pull out a big comfy sweater; I had to finally break down and turn on the air conditioning because 85 degrees in the house is too hot...which means it is in the triple digits outside. Yuck! I would love to put on a sweater right now instead of standing in front of the open freezer door. :) By the way...let me know with a yay or a nay if you got my email last week. I have been having some problems with my emails going through and I just wanted to check if yours was one that didn't get through. (It was just an email responding to the bathing suit link you sent me.)
Take care and have a great day. Beth
I am so with you on the rainy, gloomy weather..you know we don't live too far from one another. But the forecast holds hope for a more late springish like rest of the week and weekend. Praise God!
Great list of "to do" items for the summer!
Blessings, Melissa
I hope I make the list! ;)
Maybe we can go on a field trip or to a festival together! Then you can check off multiple items at once. :)
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