I actually did it!
I say that with elation, relief, and maybe a bit of disbelief. I actually did it. IT would be planning, building and PLANTING a vegetable garden. It's in. It's done--well, almost. Still have to put the trellis up and get a few more goodies to put in.
The second box.
I had excellent help!
This is a big, BIG deal. This is HUGE. This is hilarious! (I giggle!) My mom, in heaven, is having a laugh over her "won't eat vegetables" daughter planting vegetables. Everyone who knows me is wondering if I'll ever eat any of them. I know they are thinking it. I can read it on their faces! :) Whether I will, or won't has yet to be determined, but I did IT. Whew!
Now, if I have to pick off bugs, I may quit. If I SEE a bug, I may quit. I'm praying for no bugs. I wonder if you're allowed to pray for no bugs?! It was one thing being up to my elbows in cow poop and compost, but I draw the line at vegetable eating bugs. Bleck!
This FIRST deserves a reward. There's ice cream, or chocolate, or chocolate ice cream....hmmm. The lawn mowing guy (not the husband, who hates to mow) is not going to be happy about having to maneuver around my gardens. I hope he doesn't find out about my bug "thing" and get even...
My inspiration? Well...there's this....
And this....
They love vegetables! Thank you, God! My little healthy eaters get to eat fresh veggies! Of course, the husband LOVES 'em too. Could never figure out how he has put up with my vegetablelessness (Is that a word?)
But there was also this mighty fine read: "The All New Square Foot Garden", by Mel Bartholomew. The best non-fiction gardening book I've ever read, and that's saying something!
Oh...We did have a near tragedy. Upon throwing down the hose, the sprayer came on and aimed directly at my precious girl, froze her to her seat (literally), soaking her to the bone and causing a short burst of tears. Thankfully, dry, warm clothes made everything just fine!
I'm definitely having a gardening "moment". Moments are a good thing!
Atta girl! Well done!!! I'm so proud of you guys and so excited for you!!!!
And I guarantee you, if you can just get that first fresh tomato past your lips, you'll realize how delightful home-grown veggies are for yourself. I hated asparagus before I tasted it fresh from the garden. Even then, the first couple of times were just tolerable, but now I thoroughly enjoy it. If you can plant it, you can eat it! Maybe if you make fresh bruschetta that will help.
I can't wait to see how it turns out!
WAY TO GO!! This was a delightful post, I can really feel your excitement. And think of bugs this way, some of them are actually good for your garden. And for the ones that aren't, well I can ship you about 10 of our toad tadpoles, that should take care of that!!LOL
Bugs? No worries - look what I came across a few weeks ago:
Way to go - there is nothing like the feeling of growing your own veggies! I love it - it looks like mine will be in containers this year but that should be fun too! I hope you will share with us how it goes. Oh and if you try the homemade bug spray thing - let me know. ( :
So, so inspiring! This is my dream too, but I'm overwhelmed and feel underprepared, uninformed, and just plain overwhelmed. I may be emailing you about how you did this! Good job!
Melissa...I am more convinced every time I read your blog that we are soul sisters! The "vegetablelessness" and the bug thing confirm it once again. ;-) I can so relate!
I will be watching excitedly for updates on your garden...what fun! We are trying our hand at a tiny bit of container gardening this year (not enough sun in our yard for much else), but I hope to have a raised bed garden spot someday after we clear out a bit in back.
Awesome job! I have read and heard so much about square foot gardening lately but yours are the first raised bed pictures I've seen. They look fantastic. I can't wait until we move so that I can do this too. There is nothing quite like veggies from your own garden.
Wow, I'm in shock!!! Your going to grow and eat a vegetable!!! And by choice!!! Wow, I know it's because of all those green beans I tried to force you to eat!! I am so proud of you! You go girl! Love you, cuz
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