"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Convention Countdown

Okay! So I'm a little bonkers when it comes to conventions. Having grown up in a convention environment (my parents owned a business that precipitated this), I crave them like a bear craves honey! Actually, it's honey that I'm looking for!

With only 10 days to go, I'll be excited to embark upon my 7th IAHE convention. I never tire of them. I never consider not going. I look forward to each one with enraptured abandon! How's that for poetic license!

This year a dear friend and I are getting a hotel room for the night and having serious Mommy get away time. Kinda weird considering we live within 30 minutes of the convention. We are really looking forward to be able to go back and forth if the need arises. We love our time together kinda propping each other up--sharing ideas, etc. (Hey Suz! We have "etc's"!) We're also looking forward to some gooood food. Not convention food, but choosing from some of the best restaurants there are! Yummy!

I really love the convention for a number of reasons. I love the encouragement along our journey. I love eavesdropping joining conversations on peoples reviews of books and products. I love holding those books in my hands and attempting to determine their true value. I love running into so many homeschool friends and acquaintances that I don't regularly get to see. I even love searching for hidden treasure. That's my retail background coming out.

I'm not much of a meeting attender. I prefer the mp3's, but you never know. This could be THE year! Regardless, I've come to realize that I spend more physical time in the pursuit of all things homeschooling, than anything else. I'm not just referring to the time spent planning lessons, printing out notebooking pages, or even teaching. But also my own Bible Study time to prepare me to be the woman the Lord would have me be--the mother, the teacher that He would have me be, or even feeding my children healthfully so they can learn better. The Lord has set apart this time and place for this purpose. Homeschooling in the Lord truly is our way of life.

So ten more days and I'll be there. You going?


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time Melissa! I just went to our local one and also stayed in a motel with a couple dear friends - sooo much fun! The conference was exceptional - just what I needed! God is good! ( :

Dana said...

I'm not going. All I really want/need is SWR and I can order that online.

Have a good time.


EEEEMommy said...

TN better be good to warrant missing convention!