"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Sunday, April 06, 2008

A Milestone Wrapped in a Dress

This morning as I was dressing for church, believing my four year old daughter to be snoozing in the sack, she was picking out her Sunday clothes. Now, she's been putting her clothes together daily for some time, but never her Sunday clothes! It just was understood that Mama did the choosing when it came to dressing up.

So in she waltzes with tights and a white shirt on, needing a bit of buttoning. She then announces she's going to get her dress on. I anxiously followed her to see what she had found. She'd chosen a nice jumper requiring both the tights and the white shirt! She was beaming with joy as she asked me to tie her dress ties. A big girl-Mama moment! My baby is blooming and I can't do a thing about it! So happy!

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