"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Monday, April 21, 2008

Until Next Year

The convention has come and gone. I'm taking my deep breaths as I settle in with my books, catalogs and planning materials to think about things to come--waiting a year till the next convention.

I had a fabulous two days, to be sure. Good time with friends, acquaintances, and vendors. I was sufficiently inspired, somewhat depleted in energy, and juiced up by the thrill of it all. It amazes even me, how I can find enough to look at and do during two full days, in one large room, yet at the end of day two, I could have kept going. I did not make it to even one seminar. At this stage in my life, they just are not my cup of tea. I'd rather visit.

I was disappointed to not see a couple of favorite booths, and amazed at how many math companies have popped up! Things seemed pared down a bit. I hope that is not a sign of things to come. I can't really say that I saw any new trend or trendy items, but I did notice the passing of a few. I did not see one Charlotte Mason item. I didn't see as many used places as in previous years. There were hardly any science exhibits. I can think of 3 off the top of my head that were a no-show. Interesting.

I was able to get the items that I needed, see a few things I was curious about, be challenged on my math choices (Rightstart is still the best), and even pick up a couple of inspiring items for myself. I could hardly resist getting a couple of Gene Stratton-Porter books I've rarely seen and I bought a weekly journal for each of my children from Notgrass. Gotta plot those milestones more carefully than I have been!

Son got his annual "gun" purchase--this time a WWII rifle. Daughter got her "princess" book. They are both elated. Except that son has already "lost" his gun for the day...

We got up nice and early today and have just about finished our lessons. It's only 1pm. Getting up early is the "bomb"! (Whatever!) Getting up early does, indeed, give you more time in the day. We've finished lunch and will be taking a nice, long walk before we hit the yard and garden, garden center, and grocery. Hope your day is as fresh and sunny as ours!


Daisy said...

I've never been to a convention. It sounds like fun. Unfortunately, I like to spend ALL my money on literature and then cannot afford the actual convention. LOL.

EEEEMommy said...

Sigh, I'm sorry I missed it. Maybe next year! I did finally read one of the books that I read at last years' convention (Pocketful of Pinecones). It was lovely! Maybe if I go through my bookshelves and pull out all the other books I've purchased at previous conventions and never read, I can hold my own personal homeschool convention. HA!

This week is crazy busy for us, but I'd love to get a playdate on the calendar for next week. I miss you!