I've been revisiting some of the basics of Biblical Principle Approach as I continue to work on developing our Bible lessons. In particular, discovering leading ideas in passages of scripture. I am, by no means, an authority, however I have gleaned enough from other BPA sources and friends to be dangerous!
So, what is a leading idea? According to the Foundations for American Christian Education (FACE), "A Leading Idea...is an idea that leads the reasoner down a pathway." This comes from researching the word "lead" in Webster's 1828 Dictionary. Some might argue that there is not much difference between a leading idea and a Biblical principle. They could be the same, however a principle will not be as "passage specific".
I really enjoyed Mandi's (can't find the specific post) write-up on "how to tell if you have found a principle" (or a timeless truth, as she calls it). Basically, she asks the questions...
1. Is it a statement about God's character? God never changes.
2. Is it reinforced in the New Testament? Then it's transcultural.
3. Is it a statement about the nature of man? We're still sinners.
4. Is the original audience very broad? Transcultural again.
5. Is it a reason for something? Reasons are often principles.
6. Is it given as a superlative statement? Always, never, everything...etc.
A great resource that I have, and hope to use more is, The Encyclopedia of Bible Truths, by Ruth Haycock. I can't even begin to explain to you all that is in the now four-volume set. Suffice it to say, it gives Biblical leading ideas, through scripture, for most areas of study.
Personally, my objective is not only to teach Biblical principles and foundations, but to more thoroughly examine the heart issues of our daily walk with Him who is greater than all our sin. I say "our", because this as much involves myself, as my children!
I made up a leading idea sheet for our notebooking, to cover our growth through these scriptural leading ideas. The second page can be copied multiple times as you continue your Bible reading. I wrote this, at the top of the first page, so I wouldn't 'forget' what we were doing!:
A Leading Idea is an idea that leads the reasoner down a pathway.
It is a thought that stands out in every single passage of God's Word.
It is always true.
It might be different each time you read the passage
(because of the leading and teaching of the Holy Spirit).
And, it will always spur you on to reflection, prayer, and action.