My friend Renae over at Life Nurturing Education, wrote a great post about teaching Biblical Principles in mathematics (this is not your public school "math"!), and this really touched me:
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Teaching Principles
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tough Questions
"Why did God want women and children killed?"
Don't you just love it when that happens!? Well, I do because I attribute those questions (and all the other tough questions) to the reason so many turn away from the Lord. Without the ability to reason Biblically; to understand who God really is, people in churches all over the world can't always get their questions answered and they turn away from the church and God completely, the minute "the world" throws those questions in their face!
If we are unable, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to give and show answers to even the toughest questions, the foundation of all that we teach about a relationship with Him, falters. Suddenly, the ground may not seem so firm.
Admittedly, it's not always the adults that have the perfect answer. I had to truly think and pray about it after our initial talk (which really began yesterday). Though I knew the answers: God's holy nature, His Sovereignty, His mercy--How to help my son understand them was tougher. I looked it up on and found this post that made it all more easy to communicate. Son and I talked more and I saw the light and shine in his eyes as the whole picture began to make more sense to him. We read a few scripture verses, and we'll keep reading more, to remind ourselves daily who and what we are dealing with.
I'm really thankful right now that my son asked me a tough question and that we were able to pray about it and discuss it. If you ask my son someday if he knows the answer, I think he'll be able to tell you. Another Hallelujah!
When Prayer is an Answer to Prayer
When we sat down to do our lessons today, we held hands to say our prayers and invite the Holy Spirit to lead us, as we do every day. Today, however, daughter (4yo) chimed in that she wanted to pray. This was particularly important because she has "seemed" (up to this point) to barely tolerate prayer. She hasn't wanted to participate, close her eyes (which we have never taught is necessary, but helpful) or even just listen.
This morning as she asked to pray, she bowed her head and closed her eyes and prayed her little heart out, including giving thanks. This is a first and blessed me tremendously as I listened to her put her own words together without leading, prompting--and in joy! Hallelujah!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Now That's What I Call a Bible Lesson Enhancement!
Today, I was suddenly (like a bolt of lightening!-heehee) reminded of the old Sunday School song...
News with Biblical Relevance
Recounting the Day
I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart;
This got me thinking. At the end of the day, do I look back on the checked off list of things accomplished; gaze fixedly at the wall in frustration for all that I haven't gotten done, or do I "recount all of your [the Lord's] wonderful deeds."?
I pray that each day I will think only on the things that HE has done; looking at my own "accomplishments" in HIS light, and most of all "be glad", "exult in YOU", and "sing praises to YOUR name"!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Remember Harvest?
Well, I knew them because they were from my home church in Indiana. Jerry Williams, the lead and founder of the group was actually our youth group leader! It cracks me up to think about that because he's had such an incredible ministry all these years and he was "my" youth group leader!
Well, the group is no longer, but Jerry is still making beautiful music. It has always blessed me beyond belief. He writes from God's Word and it is Powerful! There isn't a song he's written that will not surround you with the arms of our Loving Father! This is real "listening" music. It's prayerful and shines the truth of who God is. I know that God has undoubtedly laid each lyric on his heart and he's shared it with us. I have been so blessed by his music all these years, and he's still writing and recording, AND he's now sharing his music on Myspace and through he and his wife's ministry, EPIC Ministries.
If you want to be blessed, go listen--then go over to EPIC and order one of his CD's for a donation.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
At Week's End
I'm currently propped up in bed, laptop in tow, trying to enjoy a reprieve from the bathroom. Whether I contracted food poisoning from a restaurant I will NEVER go to again, or the stomach flu, I'm not sure, but yesterday was not a fun day. I'm pretty sure I haven't thrown up since my school days--until yesterday. Not fun. So far, the rest of my family has been spared, which makes me lean toward the stomach flu diagnosis. According to the WebMD, they could come down with it any time in the next ten days. Yuck. I wouldn't wish this on anyone, especially my babies.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Popcorn Day
The two on the outsides are mine.
Yep. He's mine, alright!
Here is the source of all our fun Holi-"Days"! We've enjoyed this!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
All-Natural Shampoos
All-natural shampoos. That is what I really wanted to post about. For some reason, I felt I needed to give you a background. So if you've read my last post, bare with me for "the ugly".
Going Natural
Monday, January 21, 2008
Making Goals
Deu 20:4 for the LORD your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.'
- Put all the laundry away! Don't leave any in baskets.
- Follow menu plan, even when husband is gone.
- Complete our full school plan for each day.
- Deal with scrapbook area.
- Go through one cook book each day to add to Recipe Binder.
Friday, January 18, 2008
At the End of the Week
We made another stab at the "Teach Your Child to Read..." book, but I realize now that the Spell to Write and Read (SWR) really is better and all encompassing. I'm going to do a little planning and start her with more of that next week.
She also wants to start her piano lessons (again). The "spirit" is willing, but the "flesh" is weak!! I'm not sure I can manage it all!
My dear boy passed the two week mark after his head injury. He doesn't really know it--I'm keeping it under wraps because of my own anxiousness. I know...."Be anxious for nothing..."--believe me, I'm telling myself that over and over! He'll probably start back with basketball next week.
His schoolwork went well. Egged on by his sister, he joined the mini-book/lapbook craziness of the week and made several lapbook pages on our Tabernacle study, for his notebook. We'll start back with our regular Judah Bible lessons next week. He's still figuring out the flow of his time, as we all are, since his sister is in the fray. I'm resisting the urge to structure every minute, because this seems to be working--"do the next thing".
We went ahead and bumped up his spelling words to 30/week. We'll give it a try and see how he manages. So far so good. He spent yesterday afternoon working at his dad's warehouse and really enjoyed that. He is not allowed to goof around in front of the employees so he gets busy and works diligently. He did a good job and asked for $4000.00 in pay. We had to laugh!
We're still reading a lot (updated list on the sidebar!). And enjoying our selections. Son did ask me if we could do our character studies again. We choose one per week and link it to our Judah Bible lesson. Since our Tabernacle study, we haven't focused on a new trait. He specifically requested we study "holding our tongues". I know that this was started at his kid's church hour, and has been holding strong because of conviction by the Holy Spirit! :)
We finished chapter 3 of our "A Child's Geography". It is soooo wonderful. We especially love the missions emphasis. We had fun learning about mission groups that use the radio worldwide--we had learned in our lesson that the ionosphere (part of our atmosphere) is where radio waves bounce around and back to earth. We checked out a video by that was really powerful. I about cried. I held my breath hoping it's intensity might not scare the kids--it didn't. Since then, son has been asking about prayer opportunities, journaling, etc. Including these types of things in our school time makes all the hard things worth while!
Overall, our days are longer. It's hard to complain about it though, with so much good coming out of them. It's mostly my adjustmenting that needs to come. I'm wore out! This crumby winter weather isn't helping much. We are also operating with one car which is inconvenient, but not as impossible as I would have thought.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The New Veggietales Movie
Fresh Ginger
Aren't you just dying to know a little bit about ginger? Just enough for it to be useful?
- 1 kettle of boiling water
- 1 lg pitcher with...
- 1-2" of slivered ginger (I find this much easier than grating. Less messy too)
- 3T fresh lemon juice (fresh lemon juice is sooo good compared to already squeezed! Way more Vitamin C too!)
- 2T honey (use Raw if you can!)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Book Sale Take
I did my usual thing at the most recent library book sale and ended up with a take of 43 books. This may seem a lot, and granted, it's not bad, but I used to take home over a hundred each time! Now I spend a lot of my time there seeing books I already have and wondering which of my friends don't have them and would want them! It's amazing to me that there is still so many that I don't have yet.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Recipe Binder
- They have allowed me to dispense with all other recipe "collections". I've even purged most of my cookbooks.
- They have allowed me to meal plan efficiently which has been quite a boon for our family.
- They have grown tremendously--especially the regular recipe book. I may have to break it apart further; especially if I keep checking out cookbooks from the library!!
- And MOST amazingly...they are being used! Yippee!
These books have helped bring back family dinners, have propitiated our desire for healthier eating and have actually helped me to become a better cook. (Add those to the list!) Slowly, but surely.
I can't recommend the binder lifestyle enough! Being organized is just part of it. For me, they have really helped perpetuate many of my goals and dreams for myself and my family.
Clean Off Your Desk Day
Monday, January 14, 2008
More About the Art Calendar
Barbara asked me if their were any inappropriate pictures in the Art Calendar. It never even occured to me, which shows how "up" on my art viewing, I am. I looked through most of them (about 3/4) and found there were about three "questionable" or down-right inappropriate pictures. I'll be pulling one of them for sure, when the time comes--hopefully without drawing too much attention to it!
Crochet: Poncho Power
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The Breakfast Dilemma
It all got me thinking about what I really want my family to eat, and more particularly what I want them to LEARN about food. I don't want it to be about "limits" or "bad" vs "good"--I want it to just be about "good"--period.
I guess a good things about looking at this now is that soon the days will get longer, the sun will come up earlier, and all will once again be right with our "clocks". I'm definitely looking forward to THAT! But for now, I'll plan this breakfast thing to death and pray for victory. I'll pray before and during the "planning it to death" too, and I'll try to get out of my own way as well.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Learning about bouyancy--which she understood more than I expected for a four year old.
Making playdough "Ping"s.
Learning that "Yangtze" means "yellow".
Learning about obedience and consequences.
Singing "Trust and Obey".
Coloring a map & flag of China.
Learning about customs of China.
Learning about ducks.
Learning about repetition as a story element.
I know there is so much more you can do with this book; as well as all FIAR selections. I learned the first time around, with my son, that you can literally "make a day of it". We don't have that kind of time, so I'm picking and choosing based on over-all value, and even ease. I love this series and think just doing nothing but reading the book five days in a row and talking about it, has a lot of value! My goal is to have something to notebook, which we did by putting together a lap-page (lapbook without the file folder) for her notebook. (We use a notebook method).
Daughter's favorite parts were the reading (always!), singing the hymn, and working with the playdough. I'm seeing that if she has an actual "task" or "goal" to perform with the playdough, she likes it better than free-for-all playdough time. She's already asking me what the next book will be, and doesn't want to "end" our Ping story!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Is It Really Friday?
Today, daughter and I finished up our "The Story About Ping" Five in a Row (FIAR) book. She really enjoyed it. It's funny though, to watch her battle loosing her "freedom" to play in the morning and the "priviledge" of getting to have school time with Mommy. She's a bit torn! I think once I get the routine squarely in place, she'll feel better about it.
We are still having trouble getting up on cold, dark mornings, and so our day is...well...short. Oh for a bit more sunshine! I'm regretting not taking our annual trip to Florida, but I can't think about that too much while we have so much to do.
Son, also, is having a bit of a time adjusting to his sister getting first dibbs on my mornings. I moved his "on-your-own" studies to the front-end so that I could handle the preschool things while daughter is more attentive. He's not sure he likes that! He asked me four times today when I was going to be with him. Hmmm.
Speaking of his lessons, we had another fabulous week studying the Tabernacle. What was supposed to be one week in our Judah Bible Curriculum (JBC) has turned into almost 6! I found this incredible lesson plan online and it has fit in perfectly with our Principle Approach/JBC methodology. It's amazing to me how much of the symbolism son understands. Much of it still blows me away. Horns on the 4 corners of the altar=Jesus, the Horn of our Salvation. Amazing! The Bread of the Presence=the very presence of God, and without the smoke of the incense so that we might see Him clearly! So cool! There is so much to be excited about that we just keep going! No hurry!
I was finally able to put my hands on a set of the Edith McCall history books that I'd heard so much about and were highly recommended in Truthquest. In case you're interested in this wonderful set of books that are no longer in the libraries (unless you have a "poor" library, which is better!) they are available through Royal Fireworks Press. I googles Edith McCall until I was blue in the face, and could find nothing. Somehow, probably through the Truthquest Yahoo group, I found this company that's re-publishing. Son really loves these books about all the heroes of history. He read one (we found used) last year at age 7, and it was no big deal. He's flying through them now. So I'd put the age at 7-10 for read alone.
The rest of our week included starting daughter on "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons". I used this with my son before we found "Spell to Write and Read" (SWR). Even though SWR is much better, I thought we'd give this a try just for a little start. I found myself adapting it to SWR anyway, but the book is friendly for her. She really loved it and unlike her brother, she was able to do the writing. Son, at that age, would have none of that! First born thing?
Well, she likes it and even "wrote" a little in her "Ping" lap-pages we created. (Not a file folder backing, but colored paper for our notebook approach. )
Both children are trying the violin. This will be interesting because it is just about the only instrument that I couldn't teach to them if my life depended on it. Son's getting pretty good on the piano, and daughter just wants to do what brother does. It's convenient--REALLY convenient!--that they have a music store full of instruments they can choose from at no charge. Grandpa's legacy! I doubt daughter will continue, but son is doing very well so far. Having asked to play it since he was 5, I figured I'd best not wait any longer. My own longings to play cello have been heightened by all this. Getting a Yo-Yo Ma CD from the library doesn't help! :)
Back to the SWR thing...I realized today that according to grade levels, which I DO NOT believe in or follow, son would be finishing 3rd grade in another 38 weeks at the rate we are going. Hmmm. I think we'll bump us his words to 30 per week and see if we can at least make a dent. At the worst, he'll be...gee...ahead of the public schools anyway!!! No pressure!
As far as his recovery from his injury. We have passed the one week mark and he is chomping at the bit to play--REALLY play. He misses his buddy who is on vacation, and all the friends I won't let him see for fear of a wrestling, play time. One more week should about cover it. We did have to take a trip to the Chiropractor this week for his neck which, as you can imagine, hurts from his head slamming and bouncing off the ice! ICKKkkk! Not fun to think about. I'm a bit tired of people asking me if I saw him fall. The truth is God is merciful and if I had seen him go down, I would not have been able to function, let alone get him to the hospital. For whatever that's worth, which kinda seems like a lot at times!
So, big weekend plans--laundry, book sale, laundry, freezing my rear some more, laundry. That about covers it! Is it really Friday?