"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Now That's What I Call a Bible Lesson Enhancement!

Today (since I was still recovering from illness yesterday!) we began our new Judah Bible lesson (Year 3; Theme 2; Week 8) on Joshua 6--Joshua and the Battle of Jericho.

This is "technically" the first lesson where I've purposefully included my 4yo dd. My idea for her is to have 8yo ds read to her from the corresponding Arch book,(of which I have collected a billion at book sales!) then she may do a coloring page as we discuss the lesson.

Today, I was suddenly (like a bolt of lightening!-heehee) reminded of the old Sunday School song...

"Joshua fit the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho.
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho and the walls came a tumblin' down!"

Okay, now it's stuck in YOUR head. ANYway! I googled it and sure enough, good 'ole Youtube has a great video of Mahalia Jackson (We've collected a few books on her to study, down the road!) singing it! You have to check it out. The kids loved it.


Joni said...

Hey Melissa! Fun info you shared with me today! Email me privately so we can chat more if you'd like. I'm sure we know some of the same people. Go to my profile and email me from there, okay? Looking forward to hearing from you!

EEEEMommy said...

Fabulous! Em just read a book about Emma Fitzgerald, and I keep meaning to reserve one of her CDs from the library, but keep forgetting. I never thought of checking out YouTube! :)
See you tomorrow! :)

EEEEMommy said...

shortly after you did. ;)
I've been waiting for you to re-discover me. :)
it's pretty much identical to the HSB one. I've been waiting to announce the switch until I could put up the banner and fix the colors etc. (which I did last night) I still need to put up some more links...
of course it's probably not very cool to announce I'm leaving hsb when I'm featured blogger.