"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Recipe Binder

I hope to post and share about several of my binders. After be further inspired by Renae, I thought I would further gather my notebooks into more usable fashion. One that I have not had trouble with--or rather two--are my cooking and baking binders.

They are really very straight forward. I've categorized them based on food type and I chose for form, one recipe per page. Page protectors were a must, and I used sticky tabs (the harder plastic kind) with my label maker, to save having to buy dividers. I just attached them to the first recipe in each section. I've enjoyed collecting info on various topics regarding food, as well as a section on table decor ideas.

There are several truly amazing things regarding these books.

  1. They have allowed me to dispense with all other recipe "collections". I've even purged most of my cookbooks.
  2. They have allowed me to meal plan efficiently which has been quite a boon for our family.
  3. They have grown tremendously--especially the regular recipe book. I may have to break it apart further; especially if I keep checking out cookbooks from the library!!
  4. And MOST amazingly...they are being used! Yippee!

These books have helped bring back family dinners, have propitiated our desire for healthier eating and have actually helped me to become a better cook. (Add those to the list!) Slowly, but surely.

I can't recommend the binder lifestyle enough! Being organized is just part of it. For me, they have really helped perpetuate many of my goals and dreams for myself and my family.


randi said...

What a great idea! I have tons of cookbooks and cooking magazines that i have to go through every time I need a recipe. The funny thing is that i only have about 2-3 recipes that i use per book. Techinically I could get rid of the books and keep everything in a notebook. Now all I need to do is to find the time...


EEEEMommy said...

I'm like Randi.
I used to obsess over alphabetizing and organizing my mom's recipe box & spice rack. So I know that organizing gene is in there somewhere, but you wouldn't be able to tell looking at my current efforts!
You're definitely inspiring though!

Renae said...

Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad I inspired you.

My recipe binder is not nearly as pretty as yours, or as neat. :) I keep shoving recipes in the pockets, but like you said, it is being used. It makes meal planning so much easier. Maybe I will get around to that crafty cover yet...

Peace to you,
Life Nurturing Education