"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Every Day or Periodic

I believe with Spring finally around the corner, I'm turning my own corner. I'm coming out of the hum-drum mode and sparks of thought are flying. Lots of itty bitty light bulb moments are helping me reach new milestones in my planning, homekeeping, and daily caretaking of my family.

Spark #1: We are more daily driven as a family, than periodically driven. I'm referring to routine and the ability to easily move from one task to the next. I'm beginning to see that things I do daily, whether for lessons or homekeeping, come much easier in both time and motivation. At the same time, things we do less often, don't always happen. It's those things that have become obstacles and have restricted our progress, to a degree.

Lesson learned? Well, this may seem dumb to those of you to whom this comes naturally, but I'm slow. Anything I have down for once or even twice a week (especially if not a two-day back to back) is not happening. Re-think, re-do. One "for instance" on my list was art. Even having a different sort of art each day did not help. What DID help was having one part of art always the same everyday, plus something different. This came very naturally with Bible, and I've also applied it to history and it works like a charm. It's routine.

Spark #2: Laundry! Throwing in laundry everyday and even sorting it does NOT work for me. I'm now on to laundry system number 47--One load. Just one load. Everyday. To completion. That means put away. It's ALL about getting it put away! That still leaves me with gathering it once a week, but I'm NOT depraved enough to do THAT everyday--yet. AND! What I've discovered is that the kids don't mind folding and putting away their clothes when there isn't a 100lb basket full each time I ask them! Who'd a thought?


Stacey said...

This is me with kids' chores! the ones we do everyday, like the dishwasher and folding clothes, are like clockwork. the ones scheduled for once a week - bathrooms and dusting - in reality get done once every 1 1/2 to 2 weeks! ugh! i've got to figure out how to make it an everyday thing...

Kathy said...

I've tagged you for an Excellent Award. Thanks to a friend, I'm a new and grateful reader of your inspiring blog. Thank you for all you share with us!
When you have a moment, please stop by my blog for details. Thank you!
Kathy at www.restorationplace.typepad.com/restoration_place/