"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Monday, March 10, 2008

Notes To Self: Time Change

Next year when it's time to "spring" ahead an hour and it's still the dead of winter...and it's still cold out...and it's still hard to move quickly because it's the dead of winter...do the following:
  1. Go to bed early the day before time change.
  2. Go to bed early the next FEW days after the time change.
  3. Change the clocks in the cars FIRST. This will prevent being late for your own dinner because you are taking your time thinking you have all the time in the world when you don't because your clock is WRONG!
  4. Have a couple of frozen meals ready so that when you're too exhausted from not doing 1 & 2, you'll still have something to eat and THEN you can go to bed early!

1 comment:

EEEEMommy said...

We actually changed our clocks at 6:30pm Saturday night, had the kids in bed half and hour later, and actually followed them to bed within an hour (clocks read 9pm it was in reality 8pm). Unfortunately, I woke up a few hours later and felt like I'd had a great nap and was ready to get up. A fitful night's sleep followed and I was still exhausted by morning (best made plans...)

My internal clock is still off. I didn't get dinner on the table until after 7pm, but a week ago that would have been 6pm...it happens every year. I'm never quite right until we fall back again!