"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What We Saw

Last night we saw the most fabulous gospel presentation. It was in the form of a one-man show and it totally enthralled us. It was called "St. John in Exile" and it starred Dean Jones. Apparently, it was done some time ago, so if everyone knows about this but me, I'll be slightly embarrassed. I found this DVD at ChristianCinema.com which is our favorite, FAVORITE movie source. More on that in a minute.

"St. John in Exile" was so, so good. I've always loved Dean Jones, who shares our faith in Christ, and his abilities didn't let us down in this show! He played John, of course, on the Isle of Patmos, of course, talking about writing the gospel account, and knowing Jesus. It was incredibly powerful, as he shared what it must have been like to embrace Jesus daily and watch him die. I believe it will be added to our Holy Week traditions. It was really well done.

Son was quite taken with the one-man show type of presentation, which is not very common unless you live in New York City. It confused him a bit that there weren't other actors and that "John" was talking to invisible people! heehee. What a great learning experience! When son figured out what it was, he really liked it.

The whole time we were watching, I kept thinking of all the people who I knew would enjoy it, so I think we'll have to buy it.

So, back to ChristianCinema.com . I know I've mentioned it before, but it is worth bringing up again. I found it when I was looking for Franklin Springs videos at a discount. Homeschool "people" are always talking about them, but they are expensive and not exactly topics that you would want to own and watch over and over. That being said, I found this place which rents all the great Christian videos we hear about through homeschooling. It's fabulous. It's a bit more than Blockbuster, but the content is worth it. They are also located in California which makes the mailing time for Indiana longer. Again, it's worth it. No body else rents these, that I've been able to find.

Some of the other movies we've seen and enjoyed are "Sheffey"--Excellent movie about a circuit rider, "The League of Grateful Sons", "Warriors of Honor" and "The A.D. Chronicles". There are more, but you get the picture. As we've been challenged about our movie viewing choices, we've been blessed by having these titles available. I highly recommend this company and hope you will make an effort to see "St. John in Exile"!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa,

I am soooo glad you shared about this and the other movies you have enjoyed like Sheffey! I have been burned by watching movies just because they were sold through CBD. Some really awful ones. ) : So I am always skeptical about the ones I have not seen and these are ones I have wondered about for some time now. I am going to add them to my DVD swap wish list. Thanks again!


Anonymous said...

We saw this movie years ago, and now own it. It is a wonderful portrayal of John. Another good movie is "The Other Side of the Mountain."