"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Farewell to Winter

I know everyone, including me, is all excited about Spring...and everyone, including me, went on and on about the snow for some time (like all winter!) but I'm finding this very difficult transitional weather hard to deal with! Besides the fact that it is extremely wet, and incredibly dark and gloomy, the up and down temps have me feeling like I'm going bonkers. I can't seem to get anything done. I'll sit down to have a cup of tea to warm up, and I don't ever want to get up!

I called it Spring Break this week and it's over half through and I'm disappointed because it wasn't what I'd hoped. Let me just say this for all you Spring Cleaning fans, I CANNOT Spring Clean in this weather! I tried. Really I did. I just need sunshine and warmth. I actually have my heat on higher than I did all winter! It's like I'm more cold now that it's supposedly warmer. Thirty-eight degrees is NOT warmer.

And these storms are wreaking havoc with my head. Every pressure system that moves through, goes right through my head like a ton of bricks. I believe I could predict the weather better than some of our weather people.

And not to be a whiner, but I went to the Chiropractor today and he took X-Rays and MAN the curve in my back is way bad (thank you, Mother who's now in Heaven with a straight spine). Think backward "C" sitting on top of a little "c". That's depressing. So I've been icepacking it today--doesn't help with the whole "cold" thing--hoping that the whole "walking without agony" thing will stop soon (it comes and goes).

In all fairness, it hasn't been a totally hopeless week. I got to see my Dad, whom I miss terribly since he ran off and got married. I did clean out one closet in a room with no windows. I got one bookcase up--whooppeee! I filed away all the winter decor and bought vegetable seeds that it is way too late to plant so I'll probably return them--and I don't have a grow light anyway and it's DARK AND GLOOMY! Do you hear the violins?!

My children just came in the room laughing because daughter has giant legos stuffed down her pants and she's "pooping" them as they fall through her pant legs to the floor. They think this is extremely funny. Ah!

So tomorrow is another day. The first day of Spring! Here's to the first day of Spring--may it be better than the last day of Winter!

1 comment:

EEEEMommy said...

We are cut from the same cloth!
I can totally relate. I have been so so cold! And I have a horrible pain in my neck which is really quite unusual for me. I've never been to a chiropractor, but I might need to soon if this pain doesn't go away!

I keep thinking that I need to get busy spring cleaning before the warm temps come, because once they do, I know I have a ton of stuff to do outside, but I have a hard time being motivated to do it in this cold myself. I'm thinking maybe I should invite the youth group kids over for a work day and allow them to earn some money for their mission trip by doing the spring cleaning (indoors and out) for me. ;)