"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Grandma Never Imagined!

Grandma never imagined these things would ever be on a to do list:

Check, purge and sort all computer bookmarks.
Read all 218 saved blog posts.
Print out website recipes saved.
Finish archiving digital photos.
Post how-to on digital Bible usage.


EEEEMommy said...

Clever! You're absolutely correct! And with that kind of list, it's no wonder we don't get around to airing matresses, waxing floors, polishing furniture, or better yet polishing silver! :)

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! We would probably freak out if we read Great-Grandma's to do list. Darn socks. Pick beans. Pluck chicken. Gather firewood. Store lard. Make soap...Can you image?

Anonymous said...

VERY funny! LOL Wow, times HAVE changed, haven't they?! Thanks for sharing.

Blessings, Melissa

Netherfieldmom said...

Ain't that the truth--how about update Quicken to get ready for taxes or get a new ringtone?? I'm glad we don't have to pluck chickens or store lard, or shoot animals for supper! :)