"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up Without Guns

That title is my lame attempt at making a point. Today, according to Foxnews.com, a Second Amendment case is going up before the Supreme Court. Or should I say, it's going against the Supreme Court, as may be the case with any of our liberties in the future.

Any Second Amendment cases are interesting to me who grew up believing that guns were evil, instead of the people wielding them for evil intent. This was not my parents doing, for I have no recollection that guns were ever discussed in my house. This had to have been the good 'ole media/public school influence. Marrying my husband changed all that.

He grew up in the country, around guns. When he wanted to bring one in the house with MY BABY, I didn't handle it well. "Nervous" just barely covers it. Then we moved and met friends that were really in to guns--at least that was my perspective. Now there was shooting practice, talk of hunting, trading of guns...things that basically made my head feel like it might explode.

So then came the study of American History. Here was the first time I began to understand that being armed wasn't about "guns". Add that to a Little Bear Wheeler tape called "So Johnny Wants to Play with Guns!" and my ideas did a complete 180 degree turn. (I highly, HIGHLY recommend this CD!) I began to hear different stories than I'd heard before. Now I was hearing about towns where there was literally NO crime because everyone carried guns. Now, I could imagine (after 9/11) what it might be like to have to protect my family--really protect them. Our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing! It was number two on their 'list', after all.

My boy, like all boys, wants to play with toy guns constantly. He loves turning anything into a gun (vacuum tube) and he even has Airsoft guns that he shoots with his Dad. My son has had many Father/Son lessons about guns and their use and handling. He has taken a hunter safety class. He knows what they are for...and what they are NOT for. And I'm glad.

I still can't touch one without being a bit squeamish. I haven't learned to shoot yet (though I probably will), nor is hunting in my future but the thought of NOT being ALLOWED to have a gun is very disturbing. Sort of up there with not being allowed to homeschool. So I'm lifting up prayers today for the Supreme Court case in HOPE that more of our liberties will not be diminished. I thought you might want to join me.


EEEEMommy said...

I certainly will be praying! Laws against the 2nd ammendment don't help anyone. Criminals are always able to get guns no matter what the law says (think prohibition and alcohol); it's the law abiding citizens who will be left with no defense against them.

Anonymous said...

Yes - I am praying too. Here's an interesting article about the history of gun control:

On a side note I found a neat little book called 'First Rifle: How to Shoot it Straight and Use it Safely' by C.B. Colby that was printed back in 1954. A fun older book for boys all about guns that your husband and son might enjoy. I found it at our local library and am now looking to acquire our own copy. ( :

In Him,