Over the last few weeks as I've attempted to maintain some semblance of goal setting, I've begun what I humbly refer to as "
Establishing My Days". Of course, whenever I say it, I immediately think of the beautiful scripture that tells us...
Psa 37:23
The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way;
...and though my prayer is always that the Lord will establish my steps, as I look at the definition of "establish" I see...[
Webster's 1828 Dictionary]
ESTAB'LISH, v.t. [L. stabilio; Heb. to set, fix, establish.]
1. To set and fix firmly or unalterably; to settle permanently.
I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant. Gen 17.
4. To settle or fix; to confirm; as, to establish a person, society or corporation, in possessions or privileges.
6. To settle or fix what is wavering, doubtful or weak; to confirm.
So were the churches established in the faith. Acts 16.
To the end he may establish your hearts unblamable in
holiness. l Thess.3.
7. To confirm; to fulfill; to make good.
Establish thy word to thy servant. Psa 119
First let me say, there is nothing quite like Webster's 1828 dictionary! Imagine a world where a languages basis is "
established" using the Bible!
(Note: Some definitions were not needed for this point and I added emphasis) But, I digress...
Ok. So, to set, fix, confirm, settle...permanently, to fulfillment...making good on it. I know. You're still wondering what I'm talking about which is "Establishing Your Days", OR deciding what you will do each day. In reality, this began when we went from a two to a one car household. Suddenly, I needed to plan more carefully when I would need the car; when I would be leaving the house.
For my own sanity, I needed to decide ahead of time--I needed to establish my days. I have found this has brought a great deal of rest to us as it makes many decisions for us in the day. Whether or not to begin something we can't finish. What to wear. Even how we will eat (if we'll be home, or need a picnic). Another side benefit is realizing how much we didn't need the car, as well as how much more we can get done if we stay home! This is all it is to start, then I can add "what" I'll do at home (like have a bake day, for instance):
Monday: Home
Tuesday: Library
Wednesday: Home
Thursday: Family Business trip
Friday: Small Group Night
1 comment:
This is such a good reminder. I love the verse about God fixing firmly his covenant with us.
Peace to you,
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