"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Teaching Bible

For the last two years we have been using the Judah Bible Curriculum. This, to me, is more of a scope and sequence based on Principle Approach, than it is a "curriculum". There is nothing "done" for you, other than the topics laid out over a four year rotation. The notes are a guide for teaching principally and historically, with one objective being to see all of scripture as ONE story.

When we bought it, it immediately became apparent that it was going to take work. I was committed to teaching principally and Biblically. I wanted my children to understand God and scripture in a way that many adults don't. I yearned for their hearts to be wholly His and their wisdom to be of heavenly things.

But it takes work. It takes weekly effort. Often hours of preparation. The thing is, it's His Word. It's not planning a lesson on Mozart or Little House on the Prairie. It's His Word. To me, there can be nothing more important.

It saddens me when I hear people wanting to find something easier. I know I struggle with this in many of our subjects, but with Bible I can't go there. It's that important to me. That time as much nourishes me, as I know it will nourish my kids. The idea that God has as much for me to learn as two little ones, humbles me.

Very early on I realized that it wasn't so much about teaching the Bible, or even learning the Bible, it was about growing relationships rooted and grounded in the King of Kings, the Creator, the Alpha and Omega, the Son of Man, the Lamb of God.

I know that many believers just don't know how to go about teaching Bible. I know I've struggled at different times and to varying degrees with my own time in the Word, and imagine that most do as well. This was, therefore, an opportunity to change that. Because I'm practical by nature, having the scope and sequence was a great start. Also, having a meaning to our homeschool--a methodology which both exemplifies purpose and learning style, gave me the "how". This was our Principal Approach. From there, I knew it had to be just me and the Holy Spirit. And no! that's not always comfortable and it's definitely not easy. And yes. Sometimes I look at "packaged" programs and my brow furrows, but I say "no". And sometimes I even try to do it in my own power. It doesn't work.

The other day on a loop I saw someone selling Judah Bible and their comment was that they were replacing it with a history program. Bible is HIStory but Bible is not "History". They are very different for learning purposes. I was telling my husband that if I could do nothing else, I would do just Bible and it would be enough. Historically speaking, folks used to only have the Bible to teach with. They learned to read with it and they learned about life from it. Why is it not often good enough?

When we talk to people about homeschooling and hear the inevitable "I could never do that", I always tell them truthfully that God gives you what you need to accomplish the task set before you. Whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually, He supplies.

One resource I feel very blessed with is E-Sword. If you are not familiar with it, it is a free Bible package download. A ton of different versions are available as well as Webster's 1828 Dictionary (which is the only legitimate dictionary, as far as I'm concerned! :)), commentaries like Matthew Henry and the really awesome Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. You can have the Septuagint, the Textus Receptus and much more.

I can start a "topic" for a new lesson, drag and drop scripture, definitions, and commentary notes right to it. I can write all my own notes and questions, search the scriptures, highlight and change the layout, then print it. In other words, it's invaluable! We may think we are starting with a bare slate when we choose a program like Judah Bible, but with God there is no BARE slate.

Maybe the fact that many don't want to teach it is a reflection of what is happening in many churches. I don't know. It seems like that makes sense, but it's sad for whatever reason. My hope would be that in any homeschool community, whether at home or via computer, that mom's would help, support, and lift up each other in teaching God's Word. Share your plans, your struggles and your light bulb moments. Share how the children are growing in their relationships with the Lord. AND that they would never settle for "good enough".


Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa,
I wanted to thank you for talking more in depth about the Judah Bible Curriculum. I have been very interested in it for about a year now, but just didn't know very much about it and couldn't really glean too much from the website. Your post today has only made me more interested in it, not less. One question for you...do you think this would have been something you could have come up with on your own? Or do you really feel what they provided you with was worth paying for? I am always frustrated with myself when I get a particular curriculum and then think, "I could have come up with that".
I also wanted to thank you. I read your blog all the time (and missed it much when you took a bit of a break!). You have planted many seeds of change in my mind, some of which have come to fruition, such as truthquest history, love it! So, thank you for sharing your life in this way, I for one appreciate it immensely.

Sincerely, Beth

(I am the "Beth" that left a comment a long time ago giving you the link to the Vision Forum articles concerning the importance of the children in the meeting of the church when you were having to explain to your church why your children were not in sunday school).

Melissa said...

OH BETH!! I'm so glad you wrote to me. I remember those articles very well. They helped us greatly to solidify our thoughts and yearning as far as family worship. We continue to have our oldest in church with us. It's so funny the impact this 'ole internet can have.

I'm glad to help with the Judah Bible. You asked a really good question. I feel as though I s/write you directly if you can leave me an email, I'll be able to fill you in better.

I hope you see this! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa,

I sent you an email. Let me know if you got it.

Thanks, Beth

EEEEMommy said...

Great post, Melissa. Anytime we spend time in God's word in preparation to teach it, we glean so much more than we could ever hope to pass on.
Your point that the ONE subject we really should be investing our own time in preparation to teach is Bible is right on!
As much as I've heard you talk about Judah Bible, I don't know that I've ever looked at it. If you think of it, could you bring it along next week?

Elizabeth said...

Melissa..I'm sure this is an old post...but Beth asked a question that I would also love to know the answer to. I am just starting out with the Principle Approach...sadly, my oldest is already in the 6th grade, and I'm really interested in the Judah curriculum, but I'm also wondering if it's worth the money, or if I could create it myself. I'm also wondering if you have the downloaded version, or the actual in hand version, and do you think the in hand version is easier to use, or better in some way.
Thanks so much...I so agree with all that you have said!! My email is rebabler@comcast.net