"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Ps62:2

Friday, February 15, 2008

"Rail" Laying

I've written a couple of times (like here) about one of my favorite resources of all time: "Laying Down Rails" from Simply Charlotte Mason. This compilation of all things "Charlotte" put about in a manner which is both practical and inspiring, takes me to a very happy place when it comes to rearing children. It's focus on habit and character has been a pivotal spot for me.

All that to say that it's really good stuff and I, for one, drink it in. My only *sigh* is that I make mistakes along the way. And why do they always seem like the end of the world? Well, in all my recent angst about what I'm supposed to be doing--or what comes next-- the Lord keeps bringing to the forefront of my mind's eye foundations and simplicity. Enjoyment of learning and learning to be "keepers". Not just keepers of "things", but keepers of ourselves in the presence of God.

My growing son is expressing himself more and is saying that Daddy is for play--and you know what comes next...Mommy is for work. Interesting, isn't it? Though Daddy is gone working all day, the time he spends in the presence of his family is play. Mommy's time--all spent in the presence of family is all spent at work. Teaching, cleaning, guiding, preparing. This is so true and so depressing! A mother's work IS never done. Though we spend quality time together reading and learning, to him it's not "play". This has really had me in a whirl as I've realized I can't really change it, but I can change the perception, (that I have no time to play) which I believe is really the issue.

Attitude, habit, character. Teaching it, exhibiting it, living it. Not easy stuff, but foundational none the less. And more importantly, Biblically principled.

I'm so much a practical soul that it's hard for me to deal with concepts alone, but I feel I must "decide" on a plan (which for me is the practical part) for times when school is not a pleasure. Or for when I'm too busy and yet my children need my presence for play.

I remember sometime way back in my 20's (way back) when I, as a growing young woman discovering herself, and realized I must never make a decision during a certain time of thee...you know. Period. Too emotional. Not a good time to be deciding things. I carried that with me into my true adulthood and it has saved me so much grief! And it has taught me that decision making can be an instrument of both good and harm.

So I'm trying to make some decisions about how to proceed with our days. I do not want to continue to look back and have even the twinkling of regret. So much has gone so well as we've schooled, that I know that it can be even more so. I don't want to put off any longer what they will not be able to recover as they grow. That truly goes for myself as well. How they perceive me does matter and will shape other relationships. I want their relational foundations at home and in Christ to be what they build on.

Now that I've decided to make some decisions, I'm on my way. I hope and pray each decision will be for profit and victory in our growth as the individuals that God has created us to be. I know that it will come little, by little, but it will come. I also know that each little bit will affect every other bit, big and little.

I'm going to start with my Bible beside my "Laying Down Rails" and pray my little heart out. Whatever discernment comes, I really hope to make those decisions, with no turning back.


Anonymous said...

As always you inspire me!


Joni said...

I just got this e-book! You've inspired me to print it out. It's hard, isn't it, being responsible for the bulk of "work" in our familes. I can really relate to what you're saying about Daddy being for play and Mommy for work. Sadly, I think my own little sweeties would say the same.

EEEEMommy said...

Interesting thoughts. There's always room for improvement isn't there?